You are absolutely right! We were gypped out of our precious time and like sand in an hourglass it ran through our hands never to be gotten back. This is the hardest thing to get over as far as I am converned.
So, it is "Jehovah's job to fix family problems, congregational problems and employment problems"??? Isn't this a bit of a stretch??? Jehovah (if he does anything) is only interested in the big worldly picture as far as I am concerned. It is a terrible lie, that compounds all the other problems, to tell gullible people that the invisible sky daddy is going to intervene in their most mundane, everyday things. I NEVER believed this even when I was active in the religion. I knew I had to help myself and we all have heard the old saying: "God helps those who help themselves". This religion would turn the most capable person into an incompetent moron.
I am glad I wasn't sitting there listening to this garbage and anybody who still has any functioning brain cells, well...their brain must surely hurt.