LOL @ Jam
My demon experience
by SweetBabyCheezits 102 Replies latest jw friends
Joey: Would you agree with me that its naive to generalise? to jump to conclusions?
Absolutely. And what Sagan suggested, being a scientist, was to avoid jumping to conclusions (by mislabeling the unexplained) until you have evidence. To label an unexplained perception as demons is naive. Until you have evidence, it is would be shrewd to call it "unexplained" not "paranormal".
Also you dont seem to know what science is, if a theory is falsifiable, then it is scientific.
Wait, I'm being schooled on science by someone who believes demons occasionally chase chickens around with brooms? How is your paranormal hypothesis in any way falsifiable? What observation or experiment at this point could possibly prove it wrong?
Here's another fitting scripture from the Book of Sagan:
...Science has a far keener appreciation of human imperfections and fallibility than does pseudoscience (or 'inerrant' revelation). If we resolutely refuse to acknowledge where we are liable to fall into error, then we can confidently expect that error - even serious error, profound mistakes - will be our companion forever. But if we are capable of a little courageous selfassessment, whatever rueful reflections they may engender, our chances improve enormously.
Wait a minute. Demunz chase chickens with broomsticks? Why would they do that?
NC: Demunz chase chickens with broomsticks? Why would they do that?
Obviously to get to the other side of the road!
NC: Demunz chase chickens with broomsticks? Why would they do that?
Long story, m'lady, but imagine you're thousands of years old, invisible, can fly at will, and vastly more powerful & intelligent than any human. Do you really think you'd be able to resist chasing chickens with a broom?
And we musn't forget the bigger picture. See, there was a naked woman, a talking snake, and a fruit tree....
Long story, m'lady, but imagine you're thousands of years old
Hmmmm. Did you know that M'Lady is one of my game names? Did a demun tell you? Did a chicken? How did you know that? COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT! Of all the terms you could have chosen to address me by, you chose my game name. This is absolute proof of paranormal activity.
Or you're a stalker. But those are the only two options.
And I would llike to point out, that M'Lady was my cheeziest pick up line EVER. HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?
I remember the night well. It was a medieval themed bar, and my sis-in-law introduced me to a group of friends. Before I was allowed to party with them, I had to answer an obscure question regarding King Arthur. (yes, I've been known to hang out with geeks a time or two). I passed (yes, some have called me a geek). But THEN they caught me off guard! They told me I must choose a name. I panicked! I had given this no thought. I blurted Xena---but not all heard. So I quickly changed it to M'Lady. But one did hear, yet he did not hear clearly. He challenged me. "That's not what you said at first, and you can't change it!". Yes---he was correct. So I looked him deep in the eye and said, "If you call me M'Lady, I shall call you M'Lord."
Oh how the conflict showed in his eyes. On the one hand, his sense of justice was incensed. On the other, M'Lord! Well he was just a guy, so naturally he jumped on the opportunity to be called M'Lord. We got married.
And so, this tale is a Tragedy, not a Comedy.
I shall counter your question with another, m'lady: How does a thermos know to keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot?
The answer to that riddle is it just does. Nobody knows why and it would be a huge waste of time to try figuring it out. Besides, I've already tried twice. That said, I'm now leaning ever-so-slightly towards demonses.
I forgot option number 3====Cheezits is psychic!