Another email from the writer (of the religion section) (at bottom) and my response (directly below):
As I mentioned, I am still seen as an 'active' witness and have no connection to any group of former members or opposers...therefore I have no idea. I don't know if you are aware of a huge lawsuit that the WT Society just lost...It set a huge precident, and hopefully many more victims will come forward. Here is one link from msnbc:
I would imagine that there might be some protesters there bringing attention to this news, as I'm sure many JWs are unaware of the verdict.
Thanks again for your time!
Sent using Hushmail
On Friday, July 06, 2012 at 10:01 AM, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Are there any groups protesting the Jehovah's Witnesses outside the
conventions this year at the xxxxxxxxxxxxx? There haven't been for the
past several years as far as I'm aware.
Thank you.