This was my 'Sign'

by MsGrowingGirl20 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    Could this talk on "doubts" possibly be one that is given regularly these days w/so many members existing? I wouldn't give it any thought and he may have asked the BOE what the hall needed to hear. I have no idea if speakers inquire of this.

  • diamondiiz

    If you want a sign ask for specific sign, date and hour and something specific. If there is a God who actually cares and answers prayers that shouldn't be that big of a deal. You may have to try on several occasions because I will guarantee you, you won't hear nothing from him, but just to be certain maybe pray for a sign several times so you're convinced there is either and answer or there isn't.

    Anyways, your sign is no sign at all but the crises of conscience and the struggle within you to decide what is the real truth. You want wts to be right so you don't want to let go of the idea but you also realize that there are problems, big problems that you just can't sweep under a rug and move on.

    Since you're pioneering, how do you feel when you place magazine that have misquotes or outright lies? Can you possibly tell a householder that JC returned in 1914 based on 607BC date when there is no evidence to support it? Do you feel honest about telling people in service that wts is |God's org when they've done so much damage to their members through deception, lies, coverup and even let their people suffer only to change their view on the matter later making the past persecution pointless.

    If you have questions, ask them and seek answers with proof. Obviously some answers may not have proof, like I can't prove to you there is no God, but again you can't prove there is God either.

    You are still under the wts influence where you're afraid and feel guilty inside of questioning wts. Do a real research, be honest with yourself and be honest with the people who you meet at the doors. They deserve to know the whole truth if they actually want to learn what wts teaches. Denying them the complete knowledge of wts history like 1874, 1925, 1975... is being dishonest with the public. I know I wasn't told any of this when I was recruited, and that is one main issue that I have with wts.

  • wasblind

    Your not the first to confuse a coincidence with bein' a sign from God, won't be the last

  • outsmartthesystem

    "But was i really preaching what God wanted me to preach?"

    Exactly. Witnesses get so caught up in the belief that you must preach. What about Galatians 1:6-9? Are you positive that you are spreading all the right teachings? Does God not care about the truthfulness of the witnesses' everchanging long as they preach SOMETHING? What about Ephesians 4:11? Does that scripture not plainly say that SOME would be evangelizers? Even if you feel that preaching is a MUST.....the bible does not say HOW it needs to be accomplished or who would accomplish it. How do you know that I am not fulfilling the bible's command to preach right now by reasoning with YOU?

    Thank you for explaining what your sign was. You are right. You are an emotional mess right now. Your comments make it clear that you can be blown this way and that way very easily right now. Remember something. YOU ARE YOUNG. You have your entire life in front of you. You don't have to make an un-informed lifetime decision RIGHT NOW. Take your time. Do research. Personally I came to the conclusion that the JWs are NOT the true religion. But it took me 2 years of intense research.

    Keep in mind that "believers" tend to look for any reason to justify their beliefs. Life is full of coincidences. You happened to walk in on a talk at the perfect time for you to hear about "doubts". That doesn't make it a sign. Go to your local Christian bookstore. There are shelves upon shelves of books filled with testimonials of "signs" that other "Christians" saw that bolstered THEIR faith in THEIR religion. ANYTHING can be intpreted as a "sign" long as you want it to be.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    MS, I have to apologize for my harsh comments on that other thread. In all honesty, I was thinking back about my own experience and my return to the WT. That is one of just a few major regrets I have in life and I was probably just projecting on you.

    In my state of limbo, I had a period where I was genuinely begging "God" for direction and help to know what was true. More than once I prayed my heart out until I was shivering from the emotions. I put on my confirmation bias glasses and started seeing signs everywhere.

    My wife and I had been through a miscarriage before I made my return. Coincidentally, my wife got pregnant again after I shaved my beard and made a comeback. I even told our CO I thought Jehovah was blessing us because I returned. In reality, we started trying to concieve soon after I shaved my beard and went back. It was just the timing of my return coinciding with our efforts to get pregnant again. But my judgment was still corrupted by the indoctrination and bias I received as a child, so I took it as an indication of the LordGod's approval.

    At any rate, I know you have strong faith and I did too at one time. Maybe just take some time to analyze your thinking before you commit to anything. As a matter of logic, not all religions can be right. So use some empathy here: what leads sincere people to believe so strongly in ideas that can't possibly be true? Faulty thinking, yes, what causes it? Surely we can identify some fundamental issues that make us susceptible to false ideas.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Hi Girl20.....

    You missed the point of your sign. He said to investigate.So keep digging away and use your cirtical thinking skills.

    If you have any points you want to cover regarding JW dogma or issues, there are plenty here who can show you not only scriptures, but also WTS past publications.

    I understand the termoil you're going through, my daughter is going through the same thing. But the only difference is, she needs to get off her butt and investigate.

  • rebel8

    hmmm. Here's my life philosophy fwiw: Focus on being a good person, leaving the planet a little better off for your contributions if you can, and enjoying this 'gift' of life to the fullest. If some day some god/ess makes him/her/itself known to me, he'll be glad to know i enjoyed his gift and used it to the greater good. If not, I still get to have made the most out of a great opportunity--living a life worth living.

    So in essence my logic is the opposite of, "So if you can't get all the answers to your questions, you will NEVER preach again?" It's, "So if you can't get all the answers to your questions, you are going to keep preaching stuff you think might be incorrect, even though you have a choice to preach any one of a gajillion other religions or nothing at all?"

    Also, maybe the talk's topic of doubts was a sign you should have doubts.

    Best wishes to you

  • SweetBabyCheezits
  • tornapart

    Dear sister, I can feel your pain and confusion. Sometimes I feel the same troubled feelings. I can't tell you what to do or how to feel, each one of us is different and responds in a different way. All I know is that having learned all that I have there is no going back. At least mentally. You are a pioneer, I'm an elder's wife. We have people we love, family, friends that we fear hurting, fear losing. At the same time we know things are very very wrong. What do we do? Do we stay and feel sick, troubled and hurt or do we leave and lose everyone we love? Does God want us to stay or does he want us to leave?

    There is no easy answer. At this moment I feel I have to stay and put up with everything and try and do things my way. Not to get sucked in to all the things that are wrong. Try and speak when I can of all the things that are wrong. Show others the things that I believe are true from God's word. One day things might change and I will know when that time comes. For now I do what I can do. I pray to God and keep close to him, I've developed a relationship with Jesus that wasn't possible before, that makes me happy. I read my bible and none of the WT publications except a brief look to keep up to date with what's going on.

    One day we might be free but for now stick with it until you have to go. As for your young cousin, teach him God's word, teach him about Jesus, the things you believe but try and keep him from baptism if you can. Most of all don't promote the organisation... it isn't from God!

  • ldrnomo

    I really think that these very loving people, who are on this great forum and giving you some good advice, are your sign.

    Just the fact that you are here on this forum and learning the truth about the "truth" is your way of reaching out to God and asking him for a clearer pathway to his truth, whatever that may be.

    Those comments that were made by the MS and the Public Speaker was all (pre-recorded at the Watchtower Headquarters) carefully worded propaganda. And the fact that the talk was changed at the last minute and you walked in on the word "doubts" was in my opinion coincedence.

    When one is having a serious issue within themselves and they start looking for signs, they super sensitize their emotional parts of the brain and start becoming aware of anything that points to their issue. In some cases that can be a good thing for example: if one has heavy financial issues and they pray, or for some other reason look for a sign. they will be super sensitized to see things pointing to a way out of their financial problems they may see an add for a budget planning company and getting their help to get out of debt. On the other hand someone may come along with some pyramid scheme and they are immediatly sucked in.

    I know it's not the greatest comparison but I hope you get the idea.

    The point is, I don't believe God is in some way throwing things out in front of you to get you to stay in the Watchtower Organization. However, if that is what you want to read into a few random things that pointed to the troubles going on in your mind. Then that is what you should do. But be careful because giving control of your life to anyone and you are giving your life over to the WT and not to God (just check the baptism question as it now exists).

    Your Choice

    If you choose the Watchtower, your better stop coming to this forum. They forbid it. If you choose to continue exploring your beliefs and want a wide array of ideas and opinions then use this forum to make discoveries in thought and use every possible tool out there to discover new ideas, new possisbilites to start your search I think there is a Bible scriptue that talks about searching but never finding somthing about gold in there too

    Any way, the best to you

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