Just venting - I hate the Society.

by donny 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • chichimama_2

    I am very sorry to hear about this. My sis and mom started shunning me again in Jan of this year.

    They have labeled me an apostate even though I am not DA'd or DF'd.

    I was like you. I had been away from the JWs for over 12 years and off the ex JW boards for the most part of the last 9 years.

    I thought I had moved past the anger and pain. But I got slapped upside the head with the fact that I had repressed a ton of anger!

    I also hate them. I wish I didn't but they are still destroying our families.

    I could tell I needed a support system to get through this so I am back here on JWD. Need to vent too.

    Things can may change with our families in the future.

    Hang in there!

    AKA ,


  • BabaYaga

    I am so very sorry you are going though this. After all these years... so sad. I hope his love for you and his reasoning dashes this "resolve" very soon.


  • FlyingHighNow

    My nephew did that to me. Then his brother died, after having his heartbroken with shunning by their JW mother, my sister. The reality of David's death made Chris get back in touch with me. Now Chris posts here and he and his wife are completely out. This September will be the second anniversary of David's death. That means it was two years ago this summer that Chris decided to shun me. I'm bringing this up because you just never know what can happen. I hate the WTBTS, too. Please don't lose heart and hope though. Your son does sound coerced and maybe this will weigh heavy on his heart. You are his only dad.

  • oompa

    i feel your pain donny...my goodbye with my folks happened a year ago...so i get it...keep hoping to find a way for them to at least accept you as before to some extent...i have some ideas if you want to contact me ............oompa

  • Morbidzbaby


    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I cannot imagine the pain of being a parent and getting shunned by your child...though I might end up experiencing that in the future. Maybe, just maybe, being an elder will open his eyes.

  • talesin

    Donny, my friend in Texas is being shunned by his daughters, and being ill, too; it's such a horrible thing.

    It musta broke your heart to see you torn he was. :'(

    My heart is with you.

  • Scott77


  • etna

    So sorry to hear this Donny. I don't know if it has been mentioned on this thread but they had an Awake that said no religon should come between family. It was the July 2009 Awake on page 28 and 29. Maybe you can show your son and go through it with him. Hope it goes well.


  • jemba

    Man I really feel for you mate.

    I was DF for a few yrs and my parents and siblings shunned me. I had no one.

    Now Im faded they dont have a lot to do with me but we can still talk. If it was my kids I would be absolutely shattered.

    I love Quandrys advice, I too would go with that, sending small notes and photos, quick and to the point. Let him know you will NEVER stop loving him even if he has to shun you.

    I expect in the future that my folks will shun me for apostacy or some judicial action and I will always send them notes and photos and let them know I still love them.

  • donny

    Thank you everyone for your responses and suggestions. It has been very difficult even though I have always known that this could eventually happen. His struggling during the conversation made it even worse. On more than one occasion he commented how hard it was for him to say this.

    What is strange is that he has never really tried to "rescue" me by telling why I am wrong in not believing the JW doctrines. His only "help" was that he and his wife wished I would start attending meetings again.

    And for the ones that asked, I disassociated in September of 1992 because an elder was watching my house with binoculars to see if I was inviting other Winesses to come and read/discuss Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience."

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