So it's true they are real. I never thought I'd see the day when the org. would be so desperate for money that they would do this.
It made me wonder how many other religions do this... Anyway when I saw them I couldn't help but to laugh out loud. I was with another brother and we were already walking up the stairs when I turned around and decided to go back and take this picture. It's pretty ridiculous to me and I just wanted to know how everyone else felt about them. I know that many didn't believe they were real back when they were announced and Outlaw made a thread about it but now there's no denying it. It's funny how jws say they are always one step ahead when in reality it looks like we are the ones ahead of them! I've got lots more info on the district conventions but that's all I'll post for now. So what do you all think about this new "theocratic arrangement"?Credit card machines at district conventions
by OneDayillBeFree 47 Replies latest jw experiences
Whats all this about? I dont get it?
PLEASE dont tell me they have some kind of mobile cash machine for DC's that chargge you for taking money out ? PLEASE !!!
Simon Morley
ODBF: Can we see the picture? can others post what they saw/see at the DC?
Yes, they have credit card machines. They had a table set up with little portable card readers and attendants, the location(s) of this loving and convenient arrangement was announced at every opportunity.
Yes, they have credit card machines. They had a table set up with little portable card readers and attendants
A real ATM in Canada has a function that says... WOULD YOU LIKE CASH BACK...if only...push that button..
There are some good reasons for this new program:
Less cash handling
Larger donations can be given
Accounting easier
Most people prefer debit card use over cash
I can vouch for the credit/debit card machines at the convention. They are a bad idea because:
1) They make the convention look way to commercialized. I mean c'mon, you really want to bring a newcomer to their first convention and have them see credit card machines! I would rather them pass a basket once than have those machines.
2) Some JWs will likely give credit card donations at amounts they cannot afford. It is easier to slide your card and say $100, rather than pulling out $100 from your pocket and watching that money go bye bye from your available funds. Also, psychologically speaking, a JW could get all hyped up at a convention, pull out their card, and wham! the next day they are regretting donating so much.
3) Who authorized the GB to OK all the processing fees JWs will ultimately pay for? These fees can be fairly steep and the machines cost money as well.
4) WHAT IS THE GB'S MOTIVATION FOR PUTTING IN THE CREDIT/DEBIT MACHINES? Who cares if its "more convenient". JWs could easily write a large amount via check. There is no need for credit/debit machines.
These machines are an eye sore and a bad idea.
I fondly remember the "annoucements" by our Congregation servant in the 60s and 70s. Every week he would pull out a newspaper clipping about a local church having a fundraiser, cup-cake sale, or passing the plate. - Then with a big laugh he would read the words in the front of every old WT magazine- and point out how JWs are different cause god blesses us- We don't have to "BEG".
He must be rolling in his grave.
They've had them at the circuit assemblies too. The donations are up. So,I guess the machines are staying.
Aussie Oz
WT 8/15/71 Certain clergymen in the New York area are very businesslike about the matter. They send out monthly statements to their parishioners reminding them of the amount they owe their church. And one Congregational preacher in Vermont was reported in the press as having installed a credit-card machine inside the front door for those who would prefer to contribute by this means. Ever so many churches either require or encourage their members to tithe, that is, to give to their church a tenth of their income....
Newcomers at the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s witnesses are struck with this difference between the way their churches finance their worship and the way Jehovah’s witnesses do. As one woman once put it: “In my church I felt like a dollar sign; we have been very large contributors. But here at the Kingdom Hall I was not made to feel that way at all.” The principle governing such matters among Jehovah’s witnesses is expressed by the apostle Paul at 2 Corinthians 8:12: “For if the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have.”
Does the place of worship that you attend adhere to these Bible standards regarding religious expenses? If it does not, do you believe that God is pleased with your associating with an organization that disregards the standards of his Word?
I guess they will have to remove the 70s watchtowers from the CD now....