Credit card machines at district conventions

by OneDayillBeFree 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Chariklo

    Is this just in the USA and Canada or worldwide, including Britain?

  • cedars

    Chariklo - they already have credit card donation facilities at UK district conventions. I'm not sure if they're in use yet at regular assemblies. If not, it's surely only a matter of time.

    You have a PM by the way!


  • smiddy

    And Jw`s think their different from christendom..... ,ho hum


  • Chariklo

    Sorry, Cedars, didn't see you were online too! I could have told you here I'd just answered you!

    I'd never seen a credit card facility at conventions and assemblies. I'm not likely to see one now. I hope never to darken the doors in such places again!

  • OneDayillBeFree

    So I'm having trouble posting my picture up... Is there a specific thing I'm supposed to do? I just copy/pasted the picture here but it might have been wrong... That and I'm posting from my phone.

    But wow I had no idea their had been articles about this in a negative light in the past... Makes me laugh. I talked to Jeffrey Jackson for a while backstage and I made a comment to a brother about the machines and this brother asked him directly (he's and elder and therefore taken more seriously by the gb apparently) why they were using them and he jokingly said in his Australian accent, "now they won't have an excuse" and then in a more serious tone said that it was more quick and efficient and that more brothers could now give more donations since most do not carry cash. They brother who made the question just swallowed everything Jackson said and nodded his head like a good little brother while I just smiled, put my head down and walked away in disgust.
  • OneDayillBeFree

    I think I got it... Let me know if you guys can see it now.


  • mP

    since theres no gilead and missionaries what possible excuse is there to ask for money ?

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Confirmation and update:

    At the 2012 district convention just concluded in SW Ohio, USA, there were 6 credit/debit card machines in use at different places around the site. They were wireless (I presume there was a wireless router somewhere on site) so all the volunteer 'watcher' had to do was find an empty table and set up their sign and printed directions for use and put the device out there. I observed a steady stream of people donating in this manner. There was no minimum donation (I asked).

  • kurtbethel

    This practice will come to an end when false religion is destroyed.

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses put credit card machines at their meetings to fleece the flock and support their false religion.

  • 3rdgen

    Kirtbethel, thanks for posting that cartoon lambasting OTHER churches for being greedy and emphasizing donations rather than the message of Jesus. WT$ probably hopes those old enough to remember the cartoon are either dead or senile.

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