Credit card machines at district conventions

by OneDayillBeFree 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • puffthedragon

    *** g03 8/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

    Plastic Card Donations

    “A growing number of Canadian churches” are adopting “modern banking practices, introducing bank cards and credit cards as convenient ways for parishioners to make collection-plate donations,” says the Vancouver Sun newspaper. Debit machines have been placed in church halls along with “donation envelopes with options for automatic account withdrawal and credit card payment.” Individuals simply swipe their card, key in the amount they wish to donate, and then put a copy of the receipt in the collection plate. As one pastor stated: “A cashless society is where society is going. Why not the church?” A church treasurer joked: “You get air-miles on your card, plus you go to heaven for donations. Just think of it as double reward points.”

    *** w75 11/1 p. 651 Insight on the News *** “Pray Now, Pay Later” ? The phrase “pray now, pay later” appeared in a headline of the Philadelphia “Inquirer” in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly. A group of ten U.S. religions, including some major Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist and Baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card. The experiment, sponsored by the National Council of Churches, will encourage participating church members to authorize credit-card transfers of a specified contribution to their church each month. The idea, a Council spokesman says, is that “this will provide the local church with regular income whether or not the local congregation is in attendance,” especially in “off-seasons,” like summer vacation time. The report on the experiment says that those joining the program will be “giving unto business what belongs to business—a profit.” How so? “Participating banks will charge 65 cents a transaction, and the credit card companies will rake off 3 percent of every donation.” Obviously someone benefits, but how much spiritual benefit is the modern churchgoer getting?


    Wait till they put these here and be sure that they will receive a fair (scriptural) treatment!

    What the fuck, isn't Jesus our model to follow?


  • maninthemiddle

    00DAD, that is from an Assembly Hall.

  • Balaamsass

    When I was a kid in the 60s all the leftover Rutherford types were so proud of being part of the "un-religion", "WE are DIFFERENT", Down with collection plates, down with "Pope ry " All had photos of themselves holding the sign: "Religion is a snare and a Racket"- If only "those millions NOT living" could see the BORG TODAY.

  • NVR2L8


  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I remember a cartoon that was in the "Watching the World" section of Awake!. It was cracking on churches that used ATMs for donations. I believe it had a caption something to the effect of: "do I get to go to heaven with my airline points?" or something like that. Does anybody have a .jpeg of that cartoon? I would love to share it with my wife.

    I don't really have a huge problem with them using a card reader since it is true that not as many people carry cash as used to. However I do have a HUGE PROBLEM with the hypocricy of running down evil "Christendom" for doing the exact same thing.

  • maisha

    Aussie OZ, perfect,

    We were always taught, when the donations stop so wil the publishing, it wil be then that Jehovah says enough is enough,

    The magazines are only a tool to reach people. When Jehova has finished reaching people and those printed tools are no longer required the donations will dry up. it is a sign!...

    It is like the society is going against Jehovahs wishes. The tools are finished but they cannot see it.

    The warning work has been finished, They the GB already know this from years back.

    It is as if Jehovah had DESERTED THEM.

    Ask any in charge, The truth be told they will acknowledge this fact in private only.

    It was as if a change took place, a shift of power or a problem developed in the heavens or on the earth, maybe the master returned and didnt find any of his household clean and awaiting him?...

    This has been troubling the GB for many years now!...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    This has been troubling the GB for many years now!...

    Really? How do you know?


    What the hell some people do not find any problem with credit cards? Aren't christians suppossed to borrow money without interest or not?

    A christian cannot have a credit card and whoever encourages them to use one should be disfellowshipped.

    So with the authority that the Holy Spirit has given me I DISFELLOWSHIP the Governing

    Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • kurtbethel


    To the BAIT and SWITCH religion

    of the Watchtower!!

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses is a bait and switch religion that criticized churches for accepting credit cards and now they do the same thing.

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