How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    what would annoy you more, someone wishin' you peace, or wishin' you would kiss their ass ??? - wasblind

    I prefer honesty. Consider these gems from Shelby from a few days ago..

    SA, on her own, visualizing dear Cofty as either an unhygenic curmudgeon-y James Cromwell Meets Bill Nighey Meets Tom Wilkinson-esque combo... or Boy George Meets Prince Philip Meets Billy Preston wannabe... type... all with bad teeth...

    Oh, I didn't think that at ALL, dear Slim (peace to you, as well!). I just thought/think it of dear Cofty. Would explain all of that bad "breath" I smell coming out of him all the time. Could be a bad stomach, though, so...


    I detest this sort of hypocrisy. Shelby is nasty, vindictive, patronising and willfully offensive. I can handle that no problem. Its all the "dear one" and "peace" that I find detestable. Just be yourself Shelby, that I can cope with, please cut out the dissembling.

  • extractor

    As one of the posters wrote "Bullshit" followed a few words later by "Love, kindness, mercy, joy, peace, long-suffering, forgiveness, compassion, pity, mildness, self-control" this board has once again demonstrated all the hypocritical tolerance of the Governing Body itself. I prefer a more hate-free environment.

    doinmypart I'll send you a PM.

  • Messerschmitt

    Cofty exactly what is your definition of hypocrasy?

  • cofty

    extractor - justmom repeated the common evangelical cannard that an atheist can only be good becasue the christian god exists. I called bullshit and said that I practice the qualities she values despite my disbelief. Where exactly is the hypocrisy or "hate" in that and why are you referring to the governing body?

    Messerschmitt - My example above of Shelbys infantile personal attack coupled with declarations of peace would hep you understand how I define hypocrisy.

  • elderelite

    Seriously.... The creator of heaven and earth, the one who made not just earth and sky , not just our own sun, but all of x 1,000,000,000,000 (inf)

    And he cant easily make himself heard? You have to question if he speaks or if you realy heard him?

    What a pathetic god.

  • botchtowersociety
    I detest this sort of hypocrisy. Shelby is nasty, vindictive, patronising and willfully offensive.

    But so are you. You are very quick to take offense, but have no qualms about being offensive yourself.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    EE: And he cant easily make himself heard? You have to question if he speaks or if you realy heard him? What a pathetic god.

    Woah, take it easy, EE. He's just shy, that's all. And now you're bullying him. Let's cut him some slack, eh? Maybe not all gods have Thor's self-esteem.

    That doesn't mean other gods are any less real.

  • Chariklo

    As I pointed out on page 2 of this thread, and as ElderE mentioned on the last page, God is Thor, God of thunder.

    No problem in hearing him. He's been just a little over-enthusiastic recently, on both sides of the Atlantic, and in fact we're told here that on his very own day, Thursday, we are due for massive thunderstorms. He's obviously very pleased with all his new followers.

    Cofty, I agree with you about hypocrisy. I hate it, and throughly dislike all this "dear one" and "peace to you" nonsense.

    It makes most people feel anything but peaceful.

  • Qcmbr

    Botch - do you understand hypocrisy? Do you understand that Cofty is happy for AG to be her nasty self as she unfailing is? Do you understand that this is simply Cofty taking AG up on her offer to stop the hypocrisy and stop using words such as 'peace' after a puerile attack? I thought even you could see that.

    AG is a nasty piece of work. So what. Apparently her religious faith doesn't make her a nicer person - it seems to simply make her post ugly. Ultimately that's fine. If this is what Christ's influence does then yuck, please keep it. I'll own my anger and my disdain and not hide it behind intentionally bad grammar and meaningless lies. I let AG post pages of vitriol about me and keep my ripostes short and pointed.

    AG - please take me off your 'dear' and 'peace' list as well. You are welcome to continue mangling grammar, meaning and everyone you dislike.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I've only read page one. I will catch up when I can. But I must say that Finkelstein nailed it.

    Every god worshiped or imagined by man originated solely in the human imagination so if you want to imagine a god and have relationship with

    one, then use your own imagination. It has worked for billions of people for thousands of years.

    Non=Christians have heard/felt God (or His Spirit or some other term for the supernatural) Mormons, JW's, all kinds of different believers are sure they have heard or felt the calling, presence, voice, etc. Some can say that is possible, but many of them have heard/felt things that contradict others who have heard/felt God's presence.

    Not all of them are faking it (as some Governing Body members must be doing). With Christianity, it seems that most everyone will tell you that you have to believe that it will happen before it will happen. They might phrase it as "You must first kiss the son" or "You must first accept that Jesus died for your sins" or "You must have full faith first" or whatever. But that just leads to people believing that they should hear/feel God's presence, therefore they must have. It can lead to a slippery slope of allowing one's own mind/imagination to fill in for God/Holy Spirit/Christ/Jah. It might have started with a coincidental event that seemed to be an answer to prayers or it might have started with indigestion or a brain tumor.

    If you start with full faith that Jehovah's Witnesses offer "the truth," you know how you can arrive at that same conclusion with no ability to see past that idea. That is a dangerous place to start, and starting at faith that God can and will contact you will lead to similar problems.

    Oh, it's so touchy to say it straight like that. So many will automatically object to what I said and tell me I don't know. Okay, go find out for yourself. Start by learning about cognitive dissonance and religious ferver, add in stuff like "the Great Disappointment" of the Millerites. Read about Joseph Smith and the founding of the book of Mormon.

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