All of those qualities have their basis in demonstrable neurological functions. They don't require the existence of a deity to be present in any human.
How do I hear/feel God?
by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends
I was never meaning to insult you. My apologies.
I also am not insinuating that you need claim "my God' to love your family.
I am glad you do. The reference I meant of, "God-like" is just a human higher power in "YOU" (because some people believe we can be our
own gods) that allows you to display qualities that to some do not come naturally.
I'm happy you have come to peace with who you are outside of the organization
with love
"Love, kindness, mercy, joy, peace, long-suffering, forgiveness, compassion, pity, mildness, self-control"?
Interesting that its being suggested that to find these certain qualities one must search for god of the bible,
when one reads and fully comprehends what this particular god was like through his actions, none of those qualities exist.
Dear Finkelstein
I may use reference at times to the bible (some still need that) but i fully agree with you that you do NOT need to search for the God of the Bible to demonstrate these qualities. That God was vengeful, merciless and angry.
When christians read their bible they do not get their morals from it directly. They filter out the kidnap, rape, slavery, genocide, infanticide etc. They bring something else to "god's word" by which they judge it. And yet they have the temerity to claim we need their god in order to be good.
When christians read their bible they do not get their morals from it directly. They filter out the kidnap, rape, slavery, genocide, infanticide etc. They bring something else to "god's word" by which they judge it.
You are absolutely correct as to so-called christians, dear C (again, peace to you!).
they have the temerity to claim we need their god in order to be good.
I don't get that dear 'Mom (peace, my sister!) said that at all, Indeed, to the contrary, both she and I. It is "Israel" who has that need, yes. Then... and now. But as I stated... and I believe she is trying to state (and please correct me if I'm wrong, dear 'Mom).. when the people who are NOT "Israel" do... by NATURE (i.e., it is natural to them) the things of the Law (i.e., thou shalt not have, commit, do, etc.)... then they are a law... unto themselves. They live the Law on their own; it is natural to them.
Israel, however, proved... in the wilderness after Egypt... that they did NOT have the Law ("do unto others") written on their hearts. It was NOT natural to them, a part of them, naturally. And, unfortunately, "Israel" proved this to be the case time and time again. However, because of His promise to Abraham... that He would be their God and they His people... for a special possession and a holy nation... rather than writing them off for their lack of NATURAL love... which, for Israel, should have included HIM, the Most Holy One of Israel gave Israel a written Law: here is what is sin (you against your brother and he against you... you, though, should NOT sin against your brother and, if your brother sins against you, you should forgive him).
NONE of this... the things of the Law... applied to the "nations", except to the extent someone of the "nations" wanted to become a part of Israel. Otherwise, it wasn't applicable; the Covenant was with Israel only... and those who went with Israel. Until Messiah came.
Then, Israel did the culminatory act: they put to death the very king sent to save them from their sins... particularly those inherited from Adham. And at that point the Way was opened... to the nations. So that those who did, by nature, the things of the Law could not have their sins against the Law cleansed... but could be taken into "Israel"... and be a PART of that holy nation and so, along with those of Israel, rules as kings and priests WITH those of Israel who DID show the Law to be written on their hearts.
You and others think we're here to call you, tell you about God/Christ, preach to you. It blows my mind that you think that. Because that is NOT who our voice is to, per se. It is TO Israel, the Household of God... and those who go with that House... only. Now, if others HEAR... and/or feel that it is to THEM... then they are either mistaken... or they are Israel. Of Abraham's blood, either directly... or, again, by means of going with that House.
If you don't believe you are of Israel... or you don't want to be... no worries - the message isn't FOR you. Does that mean we believe you won't get life? NO!!!! Because those who DO show themselves to do BY NATURE the things of the Law... most likely are among those "sheep" who do good to Christ's brothers. NOT because THEY are Israel... but because the "law" on THEIR hearts (which Israel consistently shows that, without Christ, is NOT on their hearts).
Some of you take offense, but you keep overlooking that the message may not be FOR you. You think that because it is proclaimed here... and YOU are here... that you are included in the audience. That is not necessarily the case. You chide and say, "How can you SAY such things to us?!" when no one was saying anything to you at all, at the start. YOU chose to inject yourself into a discussion that was about... and for... Israel. Yet, you deny you are Israel.
But that why I keep asking you: who/what are you looking for... and why... if you're not Israel? You do it because something in it DOES call to you. You just don't like the "sound" of it... and so vehemently deny/attack it. Yet, you have not been able to bring it down. Nor will you be. Because it is not FROM us. We really are just "instruments." You don't have to believe that or accept that, truly. "We" truly do not care. We can't care... because you don't WANT us to.
Bottom line, dear C? You really should consider that perhaps it's time to decide... once and for all, if you can... that either you want nothing from us... and so should leave us to our work... or that you do want something... and simply state that. Anything else is going to lead to nothing more than us going 'round and 'round... with no resolution. Because we won't stop heralding Christ as Israel's salvation.
Now, if you are NOT Israel... that should be of no concern to YOU. If you ARE Israel, however, that would explain why you CAN'T leave off from this matter and let us be. But it also raises some questions as to you, does it not, and what's going on with you.
I have always wished you peace, dear C... and do so, now. Truly. And always... always... will. Unless you ask me not to (and out of love for you, I would comply) or blaspheme agaisnt my Lord, the Holy Spirit (and out of love for him I would refrain as to you). I understand your... "disappointment". I DO. I can't imagine what those of you who left the WTBTS... then took on another religion... went through. I can't imagine what it did to your faith... and while my heart goes out to you... I am SO grateful that I was spared that path.
But YOU have to decide, at some point... whether what we share really does have an affect on your life/conscience... and pursue an answer for YOU... or doesn't... and let go. Because there is not benefit in constantly taking issue... as you DO... with us. You are not even a formidable opponent, but only yet another one to surpass... with love. Which we can do... regardless of what you say, or who... due to the love WE now know... through Christ.
I know: a lot to say. Again, out of the heart's abundance, the "mouth" speaks. Consider this from my heart.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant (truly) and a slave of Christ,
That popcorn looks real good Poopsie
How do you know....? When thor speaks it is unmistakable
It's delish, MrsJ. Lotsa buttah.