even if he thinks the means to do this is through education...
How can you be against education?
by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends
even if he thinks the means to do this is through education...
How can you be against education?
I am not against education. I am all for it. Education will not destroy faith or Christ or God... was my point.
Education will not destroy faith or Christ or God
Education will destroy faith in any supernatural origin of the bible. It will destroy faith in creationism. It will convince you that humans evolved from a common ancestor of all living things. It will convince you there was no global flood.
Faith may survive a science education but it will radically alter the nature of your faith.
Education will destroy faith in any supernatural origin of the bible.
What supernatural origin? God bringing forth life? Not supernatural if it happened. Just not understood or explained by science, at least not at the moment.
It will destroy faith in creationism.
Well, sure, but education will destroy faith in all sorts of false things, including things once held by scientists as fact. Or historians (especially slanted views)
It will convince you that humans evolved from a common ancestor of all living things.
Why would I doubt this to begin with?
It will convince you there was no global flood.
Not one as taken literally as it is written in the bible, perhaps.
Faith may survive a science education but it will radically alter the nature of your faith.
As we learn more from ANY source, our beliefs are altered. Not a bad thing at all though.
Education does not destroy truth... (it can if abused, mind you, or if teaching false things)... so it is not to be feared.
Thanks for the pic Nugget; nice to put a visual on the logic.
There are two ideas here: faith and belief change and morph the more social power they obtain (and the more violent they become - no exceptions - religions when in the dominant position kill opposers and often by very torturous methods - history is a more powerful lesson than any modern day pretentions to free will.) The other idea is that we are NO DIFFERENT from any other human beings. Only a few years ago Jews put Jews in gas chambers, a few hundred years earlier Catholics burnt Protestants, more recently christians genocidally murdered muslims in Serbia and Christian militants massacred muslims in Karatina and had the favour returned in Damour. People of faith have an additional reason to kill and from the earliest sacrificial murders of pagans through the 80000 sacrifice temple opening ceremonies of the Aztecs onto the Mormon Danites religious groups in power kill. My prejudice against faith is honed over a bloody history of faith based crimes. Deep down humans have the ability to kill. Faith is a great enabler in that action.
People kill out of defense. Many times that need for defense is fabricated and when that is so a justification is required in order to act. This is evidence that we are good by nature and don't want to kill senselessly. If we were created this is evidence of the good in our Creator. "God wants me to kill" is the go to justification because it cannot really be refuted. Instead of just saying those people are delusional you need to identify them as frauds who are not interested in God, but only how God can justify their selfish actions.
To paraphrase you, Sab, you have neither the right nor the evidence to say all non-beleivers are presumptuous.
I don't think all non believers are automatically presumptuous. I do see a lot of them saying presumptuous things like "faith is mind rot" and "faith is just a vain pursuit to cheat death" etc.
Still thinking, I don't know what you want from me? I answered your questions but you seem to be looking for something that isn't there... All I can gather from your post's is that you want to know if God is going to ''burn you up''... Why should that worry you, you don't believe in God. Seriously I wish I hadn't got involved in this post... It's hard to explain things over a forum, it's much easier face to face, but that isn't possible... I don't struggle with being questioned about my faith and when has my behaviour been ridiculous? The part about being obnoxious was directed at EP, but if you want to take offense at it, go ahead. I'm going to have to leave it here as i'm moving in five days and I have so much to do I don't know my head from my arse!
No...you answer nothing....you just keep assuming that I want your god to burn me up...I find it odd.
Satan is not misleading anyone now?...still thinking
Of course he is. He has been misleading from the start of man....tec
Ok at least one answer in your whole post...and yet when I asked you specifically if YOU think I am being mislead by satan....back to waffle...
I think you have bought into the lies that he and man has perpetuated about Christ and God. I think this might be temporary as you might still be on a journey, but are staunch about your certainty. But it is a big change from believer to agnostic to the staunch atheist who is certain about all the other things similar atheists on this board are certain about. I think most of that is reaction, but what I think does not matter, and I am confident that you have the ability to sort it all out....tec
so you do think I am being mislead by Satan....but just don't like to say it in so many words. Why is that? would you sound like myelaine?
And how absolutely patronising of you telling me I am certain of things because others on this board are. You appear to think I am very shallow and purely reactionary...I did not ask you any of that...I asked you...do you think I am personally being mislead by Satan. It's fascinating to see how you try very hard not to answer questions..then detract to show me what my problem is.
And you are confident that I will sort WHAT out exactly?
so you do think I am being mislead by Satan....but just don't like to say it in so many words. Why is that? would you sound like myelaine?
Or by other people.
I said what i meant.
And how absolutely patronising of you telling me I am certain of things because others on this board are. You appear to think I am very shallow and purely reactionary...I did not ask you any of that...I asked you...do you think I am personally being mislead by Satan. It's fascinating to see how you try very hard not to answer questions..then detract to show me what my problem is.
I believe I said you were certain of all the same things that other atheist are on this board. I do think you have adopted some of that from them on your journey, but I also said that what I think does not matter.
But I apologize for stepping outside the paramaters of what you asked me for. Though I am quite certain that you have given your opinion of me countless times, and hold them regardless of what I say on the matter to correct your presumption. Also patronizing, yes?
And you are confident that I will sort WHAT out exactly?
What belongs to you and what you might have adopted from others. I am confident, because you push and push and get in 'your face' until you are satisfied, and own it for yourself. If you say you do that now - own it for yourself - then so be it.
So can I get this clear? You think I am mislead by Satan...AND other people...OR through other people?
Feel free to give your opinion...but expect response.........just as I do.
And are you confident of what you have sorted out for yourself? And what you have adopted from others tec?
If I get in-your-face what do you think you do? We both post here, we both share our opinions. From where I am standing yours are pretty in your face too. You push and start threads about what you supposedly 'hear' and expect what exactly? For it to be respected? I would say they are as respected her as in the real world....but you seem to enjoy it...so....so be it.