I LOVE it when xians slip into and out of metaphors/allegories at will, trying to untangle the literary bird's nest known as the Bible.
Take the serpent, in everybody's favorite bedtime story of Adam and Eve: the serpent is literal in the beginning when we're told he was God's craftiest creation; then it speaks, and talking animals stretches anyone's credulity (unless you grew up like me, watching "Mr Ed"). So then it's shift into metaphor mode, and it becomes a proxy for Satan. Great!
Serpent then shifts back into literal snake when their current behavior is explained as the result of God's curse (eg why it travels on the ground, doesn't have limbs, eats dust (which isn't really the case, but who's going to know THAT, aside from field biologists, who are probably evolutionists anyway!)).
Then we bypass figurative and go into the high-gear of prophecy mode, where Gen 3:15 is cited as the first prophecy pointing to the redemption of Jesus ("He will bruise you in the head, they will bruise Eve's offspring in the heel").
Huh, I'd think that last bit actually works taken at face-value, as a literal truth, AKA non-prophecy: if you step on a real-live venomous snake like a rattler, he'll likely will bite you in the foot! But NOPE: if a literary device can be stretched into a prophecy, then so be it.
VERY CONFUSING STUFF: it's wonderful there's so many "inspired, AKA God-breathed" servants willing to help me understand it all!!!
Heh-heh, there's a hilarious video on YouTube by NonStampCollector pointing out the sheer impossibility of Noah's Ark, if only based on the number of species that need to be "saved":
He's also made a deadly-accurate video where a modern-day Xian (who could be a JW) time-travels to Jesus' time just so he can "help" Jesus avoid being misinterpreted: