This is a painful car crash. So ultimately Tec you just don't know. You admit that you don't know the meaning of phrases central to your discussion. You trot out memes such as fire destroying people then dial it back saying you don't have a revelation to explain what that means exactly.
Christianity has been around for 2000+ years and still ,apparently, every xian has to stumble along utterly clueless about every single phrase in every single book of the bible having to deal with Semitic metaphor and literary styles while trying to extract basic truth from these statements but only on the end of a very tenuous personal phone line. Now of course somewhere , in the vast cornucopia of seeking Xians, there is an authentic correct dogma but no xian dare trust another xian ( unless a temporary truce is being called on an Internet forum or you've had a BBQ together ) and so when one xian describes a metaphor/ literal description all other Xians have to go and pray for revelation to see if they agree. Now when they all get different answers it all comes down to both sides merely claiming they aren't really asking the right person in the right way or with the right kind of faith.
Then they have the audacity to make statements in the form of absolutes. This is based upon their personal, subjective experience, which they deny is generated by their brain ( despite overwhelming evidence of the brains capacity to generate information to match expectation.) Then they play the ultimate doublespeak and claim that it isn't them, everything they say ( be it bilious, stupid, condescending , accusatory or disgustingly immoral) is from their personal divine guide, they aren't responsible for it, hell , as Tec shows, they don't even know what it means half the time but ultimately they show that beneath it all they truly are divinely embraced by love because they put little rose emoticons at the end.
Deep down we are genetically the same stuff, psychologically we have the same potential and all that separates any of us from a suicide bomber, an Aztec priest ripping someone's heart out, a mob baying for someone to get stoned or an inquisitional thumb screw operator is our birthplace, our culture and the lack of opportunity. When a believer is in the minority they are humble, downtrodden and persecuted, when they reach a sufficient size they become accusatory, bold , demanding of rights and social privileges and litigious and when they get to be a ruling majority they cast away any pretence of gentleness and kill and torture , censor opposing thought and rule by fear. All religions, all faiths, all people.
There was a Tec and a Qcmbr burning heretics at the stake a few hundred years ago.