You could threaten them with a visit from Sparlock.
For those of you who do not believe in corporal punishment...
by Chemical Emotions 54 Replies latest jw friends
I think my kids won't be impressed by Sparlock.
MC RubberMallet
My parents were strong people. When something I did made my mother cry, and I'd seen her crying, that was worse than any beating I've ever received. Some children are rotten where they don't care seeing their parents cry. Before I was able to think things through, I just knew I didn't want a spanking. But once I was old enough to reason "I don't want to hurt mommy", I just became sneakier, not necesarily better. So I needed my spankings. And they didn't stop spanking me until I was 13. I was in high school still worried about getting spanked. It didn't hurt, but it was still embarrassing. So I tightened up my act.
But it kept me in line for the earlier years.
My experience is almost identical to MC RubberMallet's. I was devious enough that I could try to lie my way out of a punishment if I was grounded just do things anyways after my parents forgot.
You can't lie your way out of spanking though and it was what worked on me.
For my children two of them only ever need a glare, the third however has a rotton temper and works himself into a fury. At that point he can't be reasoned with. You could count to 100, ground him off of everything and lock him in his room. He would start destroying things or throwing things around the room. We found a smack on the bottom would redirect his rage from just being angry at being punished to the point that he would listen.
It was always a last resort and as he has gotten older, he now has a much better control of his temper. We just stand silent for sometimes up to 20 minutes staring at each other until he's calm enough to talk about what happened. No spankings necessary now and I don't regret doing it at all.
To any punishment there are extremes. There are parents that use corporal punishment as an outlet for their anger. There are also parents that helplessly plead "No Johnny" as their child screams at the top of its lungs running around destroying everything in sight.
Neither is beneficial.
Band on the Run
It is interesting. When I have to be emphatic profesionally, I lower my voice rather than raise it. I don't whisper but lower it from normal usage. It seems to work.
The risk of beating stemming from spanking is great. I am convicned that spanking avails nothing -- unless there is an imminent danger present that justifies the indignity.
There are young children in my complex and, particularly, in the local Wal_mart whose parents let them screech and throw temper tantrums with zero intervention from the parents. The entire store will turn around and give dirt looks to the parents. Their atttude is that they refuse to discipline the children in any manner. No one blames the child. The source is so obvious. Better stores would escort the family out the door. This is not specail store behavior. The kids must be even worse at home.
My two year old sister had a temper tantrum in the middle of McCrory's. She was perfectly adorable one second. The next, she splayed herself and stretched herself to the utmost. I was so embarassed. Also, nothing could have upset her. My experience mom did not miss a beat. It was all right Laure, stay on the floor, I am going to look at lightbulbs. It has been nice knowing you. Wow, did my sister get up with ligtning speed.
My youngest son would get highly upset in grocery stores when he didn't get what he wanted. I determined that he wasn't ready for all the stimulation that being in a grocery store would inflict on him. He easily became over stimulated and would meltdown. So I stopped taking him with me. Just within the last year I've begun to take him with me for short trips to the grocery store and he's done amazingly well. He stays with me, he asks for items and does not have a meltdown if I say no, he makes suggestions of items to buy, he helps put items on the check out counter, and he helps me load the car. What a difference a little time and maturity makes. I'm terribly proud of him.
Chemical Emotions
Wow, this has turned into somewhat of a discussion about the wonderful benifits of hitting children. I am so dissapointed. IT IS OFF-TOPIC, people. I started this thread, and I don't want to throw up again while reading posts about hitting kids like I did with the other one. Stick to the TOPIC, PLEASE. I'm begging you.
I found that the counting worked with me, but I didn't like it. It annoyed me and left me feeling worried. For some kids it might work. For me, it got on my nerves, and scared me. Maybe it depends on how you do it.
Some young mommies don't have very good mommy stares. I guess that's a talent the needs to be developed with a lot of practice.
I have seen children almost hurt themselves be screaming so much. So although I understand the desire to want to let it go, perhaps it's not healthy?
I suggest you file a "thread rule infraction" complaint with the FCC. Don't forget to mention that it has caused you to vomit.
Those who have displeased you will be given an ass whipping they'll never forget.
LoL, Glander! You kill me! I'm laughing in my dental chair.
Scare tactics and reasoning are the only things that worked with me. My brain focuses on consequences and logic.
Punishing by sending me to my room was a reward.