Glander, I try. Its a work in progress. Josh's friend came back and I know it's partly because we have some cool video games but I watched the boy and he really seems to like Joshua. Which is what Josh needs, a friend who likes him and who can look past the autism to see the fun quirky kid Josh is. Also friendships help Joshua practice his social skills. It's a win-win.
For those of you who do not believe in corporal punishment...
by Chemical Emotions 54 Replies latest jw friends
Chemical Emotions
If a kid is freaking out, send them to their room. Slapping will only escalate it.
And restraining an autistic child is only necessary when they're having a meltdown (NOT a temper tantrum - HUGE diff) and the question should be: What sent them into a meltdown in the first place?? What did you do to trigger it? Because there is ALWAYS a trigger.
The little one has someone go with him and when he is calm and quiet, then we leave the room. He learns to get himself together, speak kindly, and life can move on. (We aren't always consistent with this, but it does work.)
In talking with another autistic friend of mine, he said "Restraints are useful. But only when used by your spouse." Think about that one ... ;) lol
Hmm, I like those points a lot! Especially the last one...JK... :D
Mrs Jones, no one here is accusing you of constantly hitting your kids.
I'm past it CE. That what adults do. We vent. We move on. Plus my life is so much bigger than being on this board. I'm responsible for a gaggle of kids and a disabled husband. This here (the board) is stress relief.
But if I get in a little dig every once in a while, tough. Not a thing you can do about but develop a thicker skin.
Broken Promises
Mrs Jones, you sound like a great mum. Will you adopt me???
*smiles sweetly and bats eyelashes*
Sure BP. My daughter wants a sister.
Chemical Emotions
I'm past it CE. That what adults do. We vent. We move on.
But if I get in a little dig every once in a while, tough. Not a thing you can do about but develop a thicker skin.
I was just trying to be nice, and you take yet another shot (albeit subtle) at me about my age and supposed lack of maturity, and then brag about how I can't do anything about it. Interesting.
No you weren't. You keep trying to put me in what you think my place is. Being nice would be to just let it go because you may have an opinion about parenting but you have no practical experience to keep going on and on about this. You said your piece, I accept your opinion and I'm going to leave it at that.
Now how about you going to my thread about my son Joshua and give me the pleasure of your vast knowledge about parenting an autistic child? I'm still waiting.
And if you're confused, that was sarcasm.
Chemical Emotions
I felt bad and thought that perhaps you thought you were being personally attacked. I was not trying to put you in your place, I was simply trying to state that I didn't think anyone thought you were always spanking your kids . There was nothing in that post that was meant (or would appear to most people, I think) to be an attempt at putting you in your place. If you took it differently, I'm sorry. But you are quite wrong.