by Phizzy 114 Replies latest social current

  • Quendi

    @ whathehadas: I didn't say the Aurora rampage wasn't planned, what I said was there is no connection between the Columbine massacre and this one. The gunman had a gas mask so that he wouldn't be affected by the tear gas he threw into the theater; came to a place where he could kill and injure as many people as possible in a relatively short time; and wore body armor. All of that shows he had thought this out before hand. But that is about the only similarity that can be drawn between these two horrors right now. As I said before, we'll learn more as the investigation moves forward.


  • whathehadas

    I understand Quendi. They will be connected regardless because it's a national story. There are shootings at movie theaters that are not top stories. The nature, location and magnitude of this crime will draw comparisons. You can blame the media for that

  • Botzwana

    Great....More CRAP about gun laws! I live in Mexico in CONSTANT fear because we cannot own guns! Yet, all of the gangs HAVE THEM! They are carving what they want out of our lives. Shaking down businesses etc. All because they know we are defenseless! When guns are outlawed then the outlaws have the guns.

  • puffthedragon

    Thank you Botzwana. All that gun laws do is keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Chicago and D.C. are two cities that have (or had) banned handguns and during the time of gun bans still had phenomenal crime rates.

    Murder is already illegal, just because you make a law does not mean criminals will obey it.

    This is a tradgedy, To prevent it we need to spend more time on why this happened, instead of blaming the tool that happened to be used.

    My heart goes out to the ones affected and their families.

  • Finkelstein

    The problem with easy access to the public for just about any weapon you want, such as rapid firing automatics,

    is that a person who may not be mentally unstable at the time of purchase, has them in their possession when

    they do become mentally unstable. In a highly dense population that the US has throughout many of its regions, occurrences such as this

    shouldn't be all surprising.

  • JeffT

    Rapid fire automatic weapons are legal to own for most people.

  • Diest
  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think Oomps meant anything sinister when he told how far the theater was from Columbine. I think he just noted that this area has seen two mass murders and how tragic for the people in the area.

  • Frozenout

    this might be occupy wall street revenge for the movie and it is also a week before obama signs UN treaty on small arms it all sounds fishy to me

  • Finkelstein

    Documents show that a James Holmes had been enrolled on a course called "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders". He gave a presentation on May 8 on the topic of "MicroRNA biomarkers."

    He walked away from taking the course.

    Sounds like a guy who couldn't make the grade and thought himself a losing failure or someone who might have been slightly aware

    of his own psychological instability.

    Interesting that he had chosen a movie theater where he knew that most of the people attending were of his own age demographic.

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