coftty, I'm glad that your parents are speaking to you and showing concern for you, although I understand your reaction to them. It is not easy to restore relationships after so much time and hurt. I feel the same way. If my
sisters wanted to renew our relationship, I'm not sure I could or would want to have anything to do with them. It has been thirty years since we have spoken, except for the times when our partents died. There is too much
water under the bridge, too many years of not knowing what the other was doing. As your mentioned,your parents missed watching your children grow up and all the things that go along with that. It is truly a shame that our family
members have placed the organization above the natural relationship with us, their flesh and blood. It is too much for them to ask us to forget those years that they shunned us. Sometimes it's out of sight out of mind/heart on our
part also. Anyway, I hope things, healthwise, are going well for you.