Above is a picture whereby the scarlet beast of Revelation 17 is portrayed, with the harlot aboard. (I found it somewhere on the Internet on Friday.) Notice the horns ... the manner in which they are presented as being shared by all but one of the seven heads. Four heads are shown having 2 horns (= 8 horns), two heads have one horn each (= a total of 10 horns), and the other head, sort of behind the woman's arm, is void of any horns.
Now the WTS on the other hand presents the beast as having three heads with two horns each, and four heads with one horn each. (Note pictures below.)
Of course both representations are wrong. All ten horns belong to only one of the seven heads, namely the seventh.
I think it's interesting to note that the picture here presents things the EXACT opposite to the way it really is. In other words it shows that all but one head has horns, while the truth is that there is only one head that has horns -- or said another way, all the heads but one have NO horns.
It's no surprise to me that one is able to find a picture such as this produced by Christendom whereby the very OPPOSITE of the truth is presented, particularly in view of the Bible's revelation regarding her source/beginnings. -- Matthew 13:24-30.
She, Christendom, the product of the seed sown by Satan, teaches the very opposite of the truth with regards to these several things which immediately come to my mind:
1) The mortality of the human soul.
2) The identity of Michael being Jesus.
3) Jesus is not part of a so-called "Trinity".
4) Only a limited, specified number are to go to heaven (144,000).
5) God never abandoned his original plan of a paradise earth.
6) "No part of the world" means no participation in wars, politics, worldly holidays/celebrations, etc.
7) True Christians do no practice interfaith.
8) I'm too sleepy to continue thinking. Goodnight. In reality, "good morning". It's nearing 2:00 A.M. here. My how tyme flyz!
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.