Yardif or YouKnow or anyone who may want to express an opinion.
I have a quik question for you then I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow or later tonight to see if anyone wants to answer it.
It's in reference to the time of the end, what else. Ok I'll just put it down the way it is in my head and who ever wants to rearrange it from there can.
The end of these day's are actually from whatever date in the past you want to settle on be it 1914 or 1917 or 1776..pick one. From there the (being the beginning) will last until the end of the thousand year rein (which would mark the actual "end" of this system. The every thing will be perfect again. The world be have been made new.
People will be 'almost' perfect. Everything completely restored.
So in a nut shell the end of this "system of things" has only just begun. At the very end when everything is restored then Satan gets let out again (For a Short time) (What ever that is, another thousand years maybe) then he finally gets wiped out for good, burned up, then at That time who ever is left gets everlasting life in paradise on earth. Jehovah's original plan is in place the the Anointed return to earth. Because the reason they were in Heaven in the first place was to prepare(Teach,guide, possibly write the next bible) for people on earth to use as a tool to help them to remain faithful during the time Satan is loose again. At the end of all that when it's all over and all prophecy has been completely fulfilled then Christ will return to his original position as Michael the arc angle (because everything will go back to it's original state (meaning man will be in no need of a Christ Savior the same as Adam and Eve when they were first created) And the Anointed will return to earth and serve as a visible Government under the direction of Michael. With Jehovah's blessing.
OK. Hopefully I typed this clearly.
I want opinions. I did not I REPEAT DID not get this understanding from the Kingdom Hall. I haven't sat through an entire meeting at a KH regularly since I was Sixteen Years old So I do not want the usual attacks from those who usually attack my beliefs. Please.
I was to tired to proof read this so a sorry in advance.
"I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
Some happy,some sad"