Another erroneous portrayal of the wild beast.

by Yadirf 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    I'm assuming that you disagree with my analysis up above, where I explained:

    Yes, I meant to say: "How do you know?" The disabling of the editing feature is a bit of a problem for those of us who submit first then proof read later. LOL

    Actually, I have a view that is not exactly in line with the present Wt interpretation, but perhaps it would be best if we didn't discuss it in this forum. I will email you later. Good night, or is it good morning? / You Know

  • Yadirf

    I'll be looking forward to the email, You Know.

    Looking forward to sawing some logs for right now.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • plmkrzy

    Yardif or YouKnow or anyone who may want to express an opinion.

    I have a quik question for you then I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow or later tonight to see if anyone wants to answer it.

    It's in reference to the time of the end, what else. Ok I'll just put it down the way it is in my head and who ever wants to rearrange it from there can.

    The end of these day's are actually from whatever date in the past you want to settle on be it 1914 or 1917 or 1776..pick one. From there the (being the beginning) will last until the end of the thousand year rein (which would mark the actual "end" of this system. The every thing will be perfect again. The world be have been made new.
    People will be 'almost' perfect. Everything completely restored.
    So in a nut shell the end of this "system of things" has only just begun. At the very end when everything is restored then Satan gets let out again (For a Short time) (What ever that is, another thousand years maybe) then he finally gets wiped out for good, burned up, then at That time who ever is left gets everlasting life in paradise on earth. Jehovah's original plan is in place the the Anointed return to earth. Because the reason they were in Heaven in the first place was to prepare(Teach,guide, possibly write the next bible) for people on earth to use as a tool to help them to remain faithful during the time Satan is loose again. At the end of all that when it's all over and all prophecy has been completely fulfilled then Christ will return to his original position as Michael the arc angle (because everything will go back to it's original state (meaning man will be in no need of a Christ Savior the same as Adam and Eve when they were first created) And the Anointed will return to earth and serve as a visible Government under the direction of Michael. With Jehovah's blessing.

    OK. Hopefully I typed this clearly.
    I want opinions. I did not I REPEAT DID not get this understanding from the Kingdom Hall. I haven't sat through an entire meeting at a KH regularly since I was Sixteen Years old So I do not want the usual attacks from those who usually attack my beliefs. Please.

    I was to tired to proof read this so a sorry in advance.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"
  • Celia
    For a fact, both Christendom as well as the Society ARE mistaken in their views regarding exactly where the 10 horns are perched on the wild beast.

    Explain to me why it would be so important where and on which head of the beast the horns are situated ?
    Scratching my head (which has no horns that I know of...)

  • plmkrzy

    LOL I forgot to put Armegeadon in there. Blah...Well just put it somewhere. hahaha. My eyes are aching from reading to much and I still have 6 hours of classes today I was typing this in to big of a hurry.

  • plmkrzy

    Thats a good question I wish i thought of that. I'm to tired.


  • You Know
    You Know


    Let me corret you on a few things. First, the end of this system is not at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. This system is governed by wicked angels and human governments symbolized in prophecy as wild beasts. So, this system ends when Jesus removes the Devil and destroys his earthly political apparatus. Secondly, the anointed will never return to the earth to live as humans. Jesus plainly told his little flock that he was going to heaven to prepare a place for them and that they would forever reside there with him. Elsewhere in the Bible the anointed are referred to as a new creation. That means they are a new type of creature that has never before existed in all creation, being immortal and incorruptible. Humans, even after brought to perfection, will always at least have the potential to become corrupt. Not so with the new creation. Hence, they can never become human again because humans are quite corruptible. / You Know

  • gravedancer

    Since the WT Babble and Trash Society has become part of the harlot class now we know why they take great care to draw sexy looking babes with big tits!!!

    It just proves they are a bunch of boobs!!

  • proplog2


    I agree with you that the ten horns are all on the seventh head. I believe the seventh head is the Soviet Union/Russia. It is the head that appears dead (Rev 13) but revives. The ten horns are kingdoms that emerge from the 7th head - Russia.

    The Watchtower is wrong in believing that the number 10 in this circumstance symbolizes "all" the kingdoms of the earth. If the ten horns represented "all" kingdoms of the earth you could not say of them as a "class" that they "have not yet received a kingdom". "All" kingdoms would include many kingdoms that had actually been world powers at some point in time.

    Most likely we will see some kind of military organization emerge from the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) that will be formed as an answer to NATO's efforts to push to the borders of Russia. Although currently the CIS is made up of Russia plus 11 other states, there are documents that have been signed though not fully implemented that integrate Belarus and Russia. If this happens you would have the 10 horns for the Wild Beast.

    The beast that was - is not - yet continues to exist is the same as the beast that appeared to be slaughtered but revived. No other Great Power in modern times has disappeared from its geo/political space like the Soviet Union. It is common for historians to speak of the "Death" of the Soviet Union. In both Rev 13:3 and Rev 17:8 the worlds reaction to the revival of the beast is described as "admiration".

    This means the Watchtower is "all" wrong in describing the eighth world power as the United Nations. In fact they play interpreter rather than translater by their idiosyncratic rendering of Rev 17:11. They are the only translation that uses the expression "springs from" as a way of translating "out of". Most translations say that the eighth king is "ONE OF" the seven. Of course it is one of the seven. It is in fact the seventh king with 10 horns that dies and comes back to be the eighth and final power on earth.

  • gravedancer

    In my post I refer to the slut strapping herself on top of the beast in all the fairy tale pics.

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