NC, see the one thing we agree upon... is that God did not 'zap' them dead. You, because you don't believe in God. Me, because I see God through Christ.
So in that regard, if they did actually die, it was from some other means than God. Or the story did not happen exactly as written, but got added to, etc, as often happens. So that no one 'dropped dead' like that at all. Perhaps over time. Perhaps they were cut off... and 'dead' in that sense, which eventually became written as to dropping dead.
Either way, whatever you might believe or choose to believe... there is no evidence that God zapped them dead.
Why would the congregation become fearful after this event if the couple died of simply shock?
Fearful because of the seriousness of having blasphemed against the HS. Death in such a manner would bring about fear to most people.
Because it was never written that Jesus ever zapped anyone dead for disobedience, therefore his father would never, ever, ever zap anyone nor order such zapping. Because it was never written (although one could argue that it was written, but that would be a corrupted account that was twisted.) And his father will never, ever, ever zap anyone in the future (although it is written, it is a lie).
Well, think about a couple things for a moment. If judgment is reserved for a future time, even if you were going to 'zap' people... why do it now, when judgment comes at a future appointed time?
Jesus never spoke out against slavery (it was never written) but that doesn't mean he didn't it only means it wasn't written.
His words themselves (regarding love, golden rule, mercy, etc) speak against ownership of another person.
And finally, it happens all the time. When Judas betrayed Jesus, and he thought about what he had done, he dropped dead on the spot. When Jesus called out the Pharisees for their dastardly deeds, they dropped dead on the spot. Defendents waltz into courtrooms and have their crimes laid out for them, and they just drop dead for us.
Blaspheming against the holy spirit is the only 'unforgivable'. Perhaps because it comes from a place of darkness within the heart of a person. So if you knew that you had committed the unforgivable (and could not hide it - or lie about it as Sapphira and Ananaias attempted to do), well, that is a lot different than having your sins pointed out. You can ask forgiveness for those. They can be 'covered' over.
I'm not sure if it was so much the sin, or the fact that they realized that their sin could not be hidden from the spirit... it was against the spirit.
PLEEEEZZZZEEEEEE use critical thinking skills when you read this defense. THINK about it. Does it make any sense whatsoever? Do you see the evidence for it? Please don't just accept it because it calms your doubts and you can work it to make it fit and make you comfortable.
You assume that I have doubts or 'uncomfortableness'.
I have doubts about the precision in the retelling of the account, or in not understanding how two people can just die. But I do not have doubts about seeing God through Christ, so I do not have to fear that God is someone other than Christ showed Him to be, regardless of some words we have written down that some think are in conflict with that Image.
People don't drop dead for being called out. They just don't. And to say that a husband and wife simply expired independently of each other and hours apart is Just. Not. Logical.
I agree. They do not. But that is not what I said could have happened.
If you want to go with the bible, then do so.
When have you ever known me to go with the bible, over going with Christ, lol?