That wasn't directed at you---that was directed at anyone who would just accept what you are saying. Please use critical thinking skills.
Well hopefully no one accepts anything just because I say it.
Do use critical thinking skills. Do, if you have the faith and desire to, ask for understanding from Christ, yourself. I admittedly do not know the details... only that God did not 'zap' them dead (because I see God through Christ, his image). Nor does the account even state that God killed them.
That is an addition - reading it INTO the story. It is not there.
What sense does it make that a person could sin against holy spirit, and la la la, everything is fine---BUT if they are found out---bang, they die.
It is not that they were found out. It is that they were found out and forced to realize... themselves... that they could not hide what was within them from the Spirit that they professed union to.
How much have these scriptures been corrupted? One theory---that they died over time and not right away? (popular theory--WT used it for A & E) Anyway, then that would mean that scripture was extremely corrupted since it went on to say they were carried out right
I personally think they just died right away, as the story goes. I think the knowledge that you sinned against the Holy Spirit... one thing that cannot be forgiven and that you cannot hide from that Spirit, would be pretty hard on the flesh. Will to live and all that. I mean, people can have heart attacks over earth shattering knowledge as well, and a major heart attack can kill you pretty quick. So their flesh could simply have given out; not been able to handle what they were being forced to acknoweldge.
I could be wrong.
B ut I added another possibility (that the story was exaggerated, corrupted, etc) for some like you... who know God did not zap them... but who see no evidence for them just being able to drop dead either.
And IF it happened. Well you can't even be sure the account was even real
So why would you offer any explanation for it other than: It may or may not have happened, I only know God didn't do it. Because that's really all you got.
Well, that is basically all I've offered.
But the account says they died, and so I've offered possible reason how that could have happened as well.
According to you, the scriptures are so corrupt, then it is hard to argue that ANY of it should be believed in any way.
I have not said that they are SO corrupt. Only that they are not inerrant. So you gotta use those 'critical thinking' skills when reading them, for one. And... if you have faith and desire to do so... and want to know truth... you can ask THE truth: the Spirit of Christ.
I do not believe anything written in the bible, just because it is written in the bible. A lot of it, I would answer... I don't know. But I do know Christ, and I do know that He is the Image and Truth of God. Since He is the truth in a bucket of what can be (and is, in some cases) errant scriptures... I look to Him to guide me. Not according to what I want. Simply according to Him.