Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez

by ShyGurlie 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AlanF

    I don't know of anyone here who is a negative hater. I know of some who are men haters, women haters, pedophile haters, and JW haters, but negative haters? Naah.

    More seriously, there are several posters here who often try to defend JW beliefs, but not with much success. There's only one of them who has a semblance of a mind, but he's quite insane. The occasional apparently rational JW defender doesn't last long.

    A lot of stuff that's presented against JW beliefs and policies is not mere "opinon" but is the result of careful research. Indeed, it's easy enough to demonstrate that a great deal of what JWs think is a product of "divine direction" in their religion is mere "opinon".

    Catholics aren't talked about very much because this a board specifically intended to talk about JWs and related things. As for perverted priests, this has been mentioned plenty of times here. So have certain perverts within the Watchtower organization who have resisted dealing properly with the perverts in JW congregations. Actually the Catholic Church is a bit ahead of the JW organization in dealing with such people because they've had more adverse publicity for a lot longer. But that is about to change, because the NBC Dateline program will soon present an objective look at how child molestation has traditionally been handled within the JW community -- and it ain't a pretty picture.


  • ShyGurlie

    Biter mango.......you are very biter eh? well First of all because you are an apostate u will go agaisnt anything i say so its no point in argueing with you. I don't care what u sya either cuz its a bunch of lies. U think u have the truth...but yet what god do u serve????? hmmm........ And also, you say u are telling the truth and facts......where? u have no facts, u just made up some stuff. but go on talking because i will read ur post for the entertainment value.

  • thewiz

    if you've come here for truth, you've come to the wrong place. These people aren't interested in truth. They're just interested in critizing the WTB&TS.

    Just listen to how they celebrate christmas, and make excuses for that. Some even give a pat on the back to the Catholic church because they didn't kill as many Jews as the Nazi's!!!

    Truth? Yeah right.

    to me many here just exchange one lie for another. Many claim that you would find greater love here than in the WTB&TS, but they are just as much backbiters as the people they condemn for doing the same things.

    Try to be honest here and you just get berated and get put down very low on the "totem-pole."

  • wonderwoman77

    Well you really want to know why I left the JW religion and why I have negative emotions towards the wts...Ok, but you asked for it...

    First of all my 3 best friends in the organization were molested by JE elders. They all three had come foward and told someone about it, but guess what, the elders were still elders and nothing was reported to the police.

    Second, my dad got disfellowshipped after we were witnesses for two years. Because he left my mom for another woman, my mom and I were considered bad association, yet we did nothing wrong. The elders kids in the main congregation I went to, smoked pot and had sex on a regular basis, yet they were never reproved. One girl who was not an elders kid, got caught smoking once, said she would never do it again and got disfellowshipped. So much for a loving forgiving organization?

    I had an elders wife tell me that she new her husband had eyes for a sister in the congregation that had an unbelieving mate. She said she did not really care. She was not happy in there marriage and she doubted he was either. Yet they are both stuck to live life like that no matter what and the sister is expected to watch her husband act like this and not do anything.

    Well after these things and many more things that happened to me and people I know, I began to question how this could be the true religion. I did research and found out how 1914 was a bogus number that came for some pyramidology of Russell. I found out that I did not believe what the JW taught, so I left for college and never looked back....

    So there is your answer...I do not believe you have the truth and I believe JW are brainwashed and on the verge of being a cult...any more questions???

  • ShyGurlie

    oh also about the pedifile thing..yes all types of ppl of ALL religions can be pedifiles. in the Jehovah's witness organization these ones who commit wrong doing are disfellowshipped .....kind of like ex-communication. Well i see why many witnesses don't last here, They get tired of ignorance. I just stumbled upon this site on a search, and it is good readin' thanks to the people who politely explain their views also.

  • Farkel

    : Oh adn the catholiscm thing IT WAS IN GENERAL PPL JEEZ. calm down.

    So, your're saying that Catholics are just "whores" and "spiritual prostitutes" generally speaking, huh?

    Well, THAT explains it. By the way, which Catholics are "whores" and which Catholics are not "whores?" Just curious.


  • wonderwoman77

    So shy, you say they get disfellowshiped for pedophile, wrong!!! I know 3 people personaly who were abused by elders that never got disfellowshipped, sorry to break your little glass bubble, but wake up hunny!!!

    Secondly, mango never was a JW, so how can she be an apostate, you come here assuming you know us all, but what do you know?

  • ShyGurlie

    Reply to Wonderwoman

    Don't Look at the organizationas a whole and say that everyone is bad. i have no idea of where u live and what congregation u went to but obviously it had alot of rotten hearts. thanks for being nice on ur positon tho.

    I ddint catch the name og the guy who talked of how people here are liers and backstabbers themselves but thanks for the advice. i see what u are talking about!

  • jerome

    People here sound angry because they were lied to for most of their lives by what you are now partially defending by stating that it dosent sem fair to only critisize the jws.

    If you were to stay on this board for a while you would find out what exactly allows them to be so angry.

    You said that this site attacks the jw religion.

    Again if you stayed here for a while you would see why it may seem that way.

    When you leave the jw religion you lose your friends and your family, they treat you as if you were dead. They wont even come to you funeral!

    People need to be able to vent their anger when they leave the religion and to associate with people who they can relate with. This board is the perfect place for that.

    If you find out exactly what happened to them then you would probally take their side.

    You probally dont know much about the jws history and their unscriptural teachings so you cant relate to their calling it a false religion as yet.

    People dont say those kind of things without good reason. Just find out what the reason is first before you come to a conclusion.

    If people here on this board say something that isnt true someone will surely pick up on it, and correct them. There are too many posters on this board who wouldent let misinformation go unnoticed.

    Please donot be so quick to jump to a conclusion about these posters.

    Just wait and you will see why.

    There is a good reason for their attitude towards the Watchtower.

    The organisation may seem good on the outside but if you check it out you may find out many things which surprise you.

    People here are voicing factual info about the watchtower even though they may express their distastefull opinions of it at the same time.

    Just stick around and find out more, then you may sympthize with the way they express their views.

    Its really that simple.


    You may be accused of being another poster dont worry about it. That will pass.


    If this is yoyo it will become obvious soon, so leave the newbie alone, ok.

  • Naeblis

    You're a transparant fool. Your idiocy is astounding. You are boring and predictable.

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