Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez

by ShyGurlie 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stocwach

    Shygurlie, you said:

    Also it is a known fact that not everyblood transfusion is safe. Blood may contain disease that will end up killing the indivual. Things like Aids, hepitatis and other disease can come from tainted blood.
    That statement is really lending credibility to how naive you really are. Science can prove all day long to you that the benefits of blood transfusions far outweigh the risks of contracting some type of disease from blood. The WT simply leaves out the very fact that tainted blood represents a very small percentage of blood that is available.

    The amount of deaths that have occured on the operating table because no blood was administered however is a travesty!

    Shygurlie, do yourself a favor and sincerely read the Bible, and leave the WT publications out of it. You will be very enlightened!

    Also do some research on the WT continual flip flopping doctrinal change that has occured throughout the years, as well as the numerous failed prophecies they have uttered. The Bible says to beware of false prophets. Need I say more?

  • bigfloppydog

    It truly shows that you are indeed a young highschool girl, because if you more mature, then you would realize, that even coming to a chat room as this is totally the wrong thing for you to be doing. You better hope that the elders never find out, because you could get into alot of trouble. A true mature JW would not even consider getting involved. Maybe you should search your conscience and ask yourself if you are doing a good thing.

  • jerome

    Look at you people.

    Instead of trying to help, you just have to tell her what a bad person she is by coming to this apostate site, making all your accusations.

    Is this site really here to help people?

    Does this person really sound like YOYO? has simon checked her i.p. ?

    I found about three posts that were nice to her. Come on you can do better than that.


    Cant you people put foward anything in a sympathetic manner.

    If you have to say some thing cant you say it nice?

    Why are you acting this way?

    After all most of you were in her exact position.
    You would think that that fact would make you more sympathetic to her, but you just cant let go. Can you?

    Look at you people.

    Edited to say that I am ashamed of some of you.

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • patio34

    My vote is that Shygurlie is a troll. In her first posts, she was able to put in a smilie face and have a signature line. That seems to indicate she's a little more familiar with this board.

    UADNA (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • jerome

    Ok you may have a point.

    But suppose she lurked for a while?

    Also suppose she clicked on the emotions link before she posted?

    It is possible you know.


    Nearly all of you thought that I was a troll and you were wrong and that wasent too long ago.

    Just give her a chance.

    What is wrong with giving her a chance?

    If you are still skeptical(sp) of her just becareful of how you post to her. Protect yourself thats all.

    But donot forget that she is probally notbaptized yet and you wouldent her to make that mistake now would you?

    Common just be nice. Even if it means being skeptical.

    Does that sound fair?

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • plmkrzy

    I'm just trying to get my PIC uploaded
    4th times a charm?

    Now for my little one, crossing fingers

  • Farkel

    Shy Moron,

    What ever you do, don't breed. Ok?


  • mouthy

    Shy Gurlie... Welcome to the list. I am the "granny on here" I am 74
    was a devoted JW for about 25 years. I went through two operations no blood. My husband not a bleiever used to beat me often to stop me going to the K.Hall. But I felt that was the persecution I was to take to get into the Kingdom. There was two things I had a hard time believing. 1 The brothers were not allowed to have beards 2 Jesus came invisably in 1914....I LOVE JWS My kids are still there, ( though they musnt speak to me) Why??? Because I was DF because I said I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914-( No where does it say this in scripture) I made 10 people JWS....I nearly killed myself when the DF me.But you know what- There were folks out thereIN THE WORLD- who showed me the very thing I had been reading in the Bible
    God is a God of Love--- He sent Jesus to die for us all. Of course I poopoo all these" silly sayings" after all who had MORE love than US JWS-----I KNEW what the JWS said Had to be right... Well let me tell you honey. I am old now- But thank God those "Silly People" who showed me LOVE UNCONDITIONAL love- I Am free of the "BIG O" & HAPPY now 'BIG O" in my words the Organization of JWS. A big Zero. Pray for real truth SHYGURLIE---I have it- e-mail me at [email protected]

  • new boy
    new boy

    Didn't your parents an the "brothers" how bad the internet was for you just might get i-n-f-o-r-m-a-t-i-o-n! that could change your life! but of course they wouldn't want that-------- would they?

  • Latina

    Hi there,
    I am an inactive witness and I have started to attend meetings again recently. Hope to hear from you soon, if you want me to write please can I have your e-mail address.

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