They STILL might be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • clarity

    And after about 20 minutes they called me back in and said they would have to think it over and get back to me...


    Have to admit this did make me laugh out loud!

    Omg ... if you could have read the little thought bubbles

    over their heads! You would have been giggling I'm sure!


  • RubaDub

    Based on what you have posted, it is highly probable that you will be DF'd.

    IMO, the only way you could avoid it would be if: 1). You made it clear that you have not discussed this with others in the Borg, and 2). Your attitude was not in any way confrontational but rather you are disappointed by many things you have seen and expressed those disappointments to them.

    I think it's a long shot but the fact that it went so long (3 hours) tells me that they were not simply there to DF you, which they could have easily done by simply dismissing you from the room much earlier and then providing the verdict.

    Again, I think the only hope for not getting DF'd will be how they feel about your attitude.

    Rub a Dub

  • Elephant


    this is perhaps one of the greatest conundrums...why someone doesnt want to have anything to do with this org, yet actively seeks it for any orientation ...

    you indicated yourself that to you its just a piece of paper...plz explain why, then, this piece of paper is so important to obtain?

    ...if i were you i'd construe it as an opportunity to finally walk away in's an org who's principles and ideas are not compatible with stop doing what it asks you to...

  • sir82

    They may want to know if you've talked to others about your apostate beliefs - they may try to fish out "who else have you talked to about this?" from you. Maybe one of the elders on the committee thought of this and they want to check with Bethel and/or the CO to see the best way to go about it.

    Believe me, the "who else knows about this" is a BIG deal for ANY judicial case - probably even more so for apostasy cases.

  • RayPublisher

    @Cedars - Yes I will be showing the footage and audio of the three hours, definitely. There is NO WAY I went through all that not to document it. For now i only hold back my actual name online. My voice, my face, etc. are online already, so I am not worried about it.

    I may or may not even attend the next one of these if there is one...I have done what I set out to do, so I'm not sure what point it would serve.

    @Idrnomo - Their CO will not be around for several months, and personally I don't think they need to consult with him or Bethel, but that's just's a "slam dunk" as far as me not belieing everything that JWs teach. I even mentioned that Jeremiah preached to his own people for decades because the leadership had apostasized, and that they hated him for it.

    @Clarity - Yeah it was surreal, I was very surprised. But maybe they were just tired- it was coming up on at least 4 hours that they had been suited up and at the KH, coupled with the fact that they probably got there straight after work and they were starving, so it may have been as simple as that!

  • wallsofjericho

    no doubt about it.... your gonna be DF'd.

    The only reason I can imagine they didn't DF you on the spot is your JC has probably never had a person like you and they have no idea what to think or say.

    They will review this with bethel and you're outta there. However, they may want to pick your brains a bit further to see if you have infected anyone else


    Raypublisher, that is a great story! I prayed for you! ;) I never heard about BOE letters about acceptable pornography, that is new to me.... and weird. I am glad you stood up for the truth! So is our Heavenly Father!

  • Elephant

    I may or may not even attend the next one of these if there is one...I have done what I set out to do, so I'm not sure what point it would serve


    ...there you you are making perfect sense...

  • oldlightnewshite

    I have to use the word 'encouraging', it's such a Borg buzzword. I was thrilled to hear what you've done. Good for you. You never know- maybe one of those elduhs might wake up after what you said. For the lurkers, it might spur them on to do the same one day, and stand up for the truth.

  • leavingwt

    By next week, you'll be an ex-JW. Congratulations and welcome to the rest of your life.

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