They STILL might be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    @The Searcher - Those are interesting questions. I can't really see how it would effect the elders in any way though- what am I missing here?

  • Lied2NoMore

    We don't know each other but I did see your video and my heart ached that good people are maligned and demonized just because we figured out the WT and GB are full of crap. One question I keep in mind to ask if I am ever found in your situation is why when the WT feels its rights are infringed on regarding freedom of religion worship and association they run to the European court of human rights and duke it out legally but if an individual member tries to excercize the same freedom they fight so jealously for it is treated with harsh consequences and the rights of the member are trampled on and defamed for doing nothing more than excercizing freedom. I would like to ask why doesn't the GB just turn the other cheek like Jesus taught his followers to?

  • RayPublisher

    @Lied2NoMore - Good questions...

    The WT Corporations and the men at the top always have a double standard as compared to everyone else, bc they feel that they are ABOVE IT ALL, they are more important than "regular publishers" and they are serving a higher purpose...I saw it at Bethel the brief time I was there.

    It's a story as old as time, starting with Nimrod, the fuirst one to set himself up over others, along with all the rest that have lorded it over and "dominated their fellow man" to his injury.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    WOW! You have my admiration for your courage to present the information to them so honestly. I am surprised you did not get the boot then and there. Perhaps the elders want to look up some of the things you said. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe, just maybe you were able to reach at least one of them and they will see the light also. Best of luck. Leslie

  • Lied2NoMore

    I wish you the best I'm stuck with entire social network and family JWs but have voiced assorted beefs with some with care but so far everyone goes into defend GB and WT mode so it goes nowhere fast. I get the feeling with some they are ready to break free mentally so I go for the juggler but no awakenings yet. I tell everyone I can to read millions now living will never die and then remind them the beliefs taught there were at one time teachings you could be DFd for if you disagreed with in part or entirety just as Rutherford did as confirmed in the faith in action dvd when his associates were dismissed for disagreeing with the judge

  • Quendi

    You have done better than well, my friend, and I am happy you were able to give the testimony and witness you wanted. My thoughts about the entire affair are these. They will disfellowship you because, as others have said, they are company men. I’m sorry to be so harsh in this next statement but it is my honest belief. Being a company man and a good man is a contradiction in terms. The two are mutually exclusive because if they were good men they would have recognized the truth when you presented it to them, and after their deliberations would have told you there was no reason to pursue your case any further.

    These men claim that everything they do in these Star Chamber trials is guided by holy spirit. Well, if holy spirit is behind their procedures, why could they not come to a decision immediately? That failure alone should tell any thinking man that something is seriously wrong with the entire judicial committee process.

    I told my judicial committee the fact that only one-third of all those who have been disfellowshipped or have disassociated themselves have ever returned. If this was really God’s organization and if we were really his sheep, then the recovery rate would be much higher. Instead, those of us who have been “disciplined” have chosen to reject it and pursued another way of life. Obviously then God has nothing to do with a practice that has failed to recover lost members. All the elders could do was stare balefully and angrily at me. I’ll give your committee credit for being kinder and gentler as it were, but they are still morally corrupt if not bankrupt. Otherwise, they would have nothing to do with judicial committee work at all. They will throw you out rather than humbly acknowledge you are right.

    I’m looking forward to hearing and seeing your recordings. I hope once they are posted on the Internet, they will go viral, a development I can’t wait to see!


  • flipper

    RAY PUBLISHER- Hey my friend, good job at thoroughly dismantling ANY illusions THEY may have that the WT society is God's organization ! LOL ! You did good ! Perhaps TOO good for your own good ! Of course, if you don't care if they DF you then there' s no problem if you don't need to keep in contact with any JW relatives or friends anyway. I don't know your personal situation.

    That being said - Your statement, " I'm not sure why they didn't kick me out quick, but honestly it is to their credit. " Perhaps so, but maybe NOT just to their credit. It could be a case of them " covering their own asses " to make sure of all the things you told them and they are taking time to contact Bethel to see where some of those teachings or expressions you used are coming from. They want to make sure and see if the stuff you stated is documented at an apostate website or source perhaps. These guys are sneaky. They'll make you think they are on your side, but in reality their ONLY allegiance is to the WT society leaders, not you, me, or Joe or Mary publisher. It's how they're wired and how they roll. Been a victim myself in a few of these JC meetings !

    As to whether they are evil or not, I'm not going to say, it's not for me to say, you know these men personally , I don't and I'm sure they are being as " loving " as they can within WT guidelines - however - as to them being " fair men, trying to be " good judges" " , well, in all accuracy they are trying to be " fair " in regards to how they apply the WT society's version of " fairness " and muddled instructions contained in the elders manuals and instructions - which many times has nothing to do with fairness and justice. Basically these guys you're dealing with are obeying instructions from WT leaders so they don't get chewed on by C.O's or D.O's and /or lose their own positions as elders. Everybody from the top down in the JW organization is ruled and controlled through fear and guilt- and elders are no different. So just don't let sentimentality for them as friends you used to know- cloud your reasonableness as to the damage they can inflict when they are controlled by WT leaders. Your friendship with them was conditional on you AGREEING with WT beliefs , otherwise it tends to be water already flowed down the river.

    Anywho ! Hang in there kiddo. We are with ya. Look forward to talkin soon

  • ScenicViewer

    RayPublisher, you have done an AMAZING job of planting seeds of truth in those elders!

    If they are indeed waiting for a reply from Brooklyn you will likely be DF'd, since those replys are cold, without human feeling, and show no regard for truth, but there may be someone on that JC that you have touched, and who is struggling with their own conscience as a result. There could be very positive results down the road because of what you have done.

    Congrats on the great presentation you made to them! I can't tell you how encouraging this post is.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher


    My point is that you would be applying Bible principles, by lovingly revealing to them that they are opposing God's word by accepting men's 'traditions' and false teachings as truth! (Galatians 6:1)

    If they cannot/will not accept what they read in black & white from their own Bible, which they are prepared to use to inflict judgement on you, then they bring a far greater judgement on themselves than on you.

  • Phizzy

    Well done Ray ! I am so proud of you ! I do hope that if any of those elders do have an ounce of honest conscience within them that your words will have an effect, if not then let them rot in the cesspit that is the WT/JW Org.

    I am looking forward to the posting of the proceedings on the Net, I am sure that action will do much to persuade would be converts to steer well clear of an evil organization posing as a religion, which pretends to have some connection to Jesus Christ.

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