They STILL might be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    WHEW lots of comments to answer- ok here goes:

    @nuthouse escapee - Thanks Leslie- it surprised me too- but I will likely be getting the boot today as they have arranged to deliver their verdict to me this evening so we will see.

    @Lied2NoMore - Good and subtle points, and sometimes that's all you can do.

    @Quendi - Your comments are sharp. Excellent point about H.S. not helping them come to a decision right away...I'm definitely in the 2/3 that won't be coming back to the WT Corporations for forgiveness of my imaginary sins.

    @Flipper - Your call was really appreciated last night- sorry I was in the boonies and my cell dropped the call but we will talk again!

    On to your comment about them covering themselves- yes that is definitely part of what went down I believe. They want to be very very sure that they don't violate their own policies and precepts, which is advice straight from the legal department designed to reduce litigation viability from dissidents such as myself.

    @ScenicViewer - This has been a topic that so many of us can relate to- from the past of many, to the present for lots of us, and now to the (possible) future of the rest of us...

    But don't worry, LOTS more to come from my story, as I have over 3 hours to get to the chopping up and editing of for YouTube. Dang I'm getting tired now just thinking about it lol...

    @The Searcher - Well said that makes sense to me now.

    @Phizzy - They do have good hearts IMO, and once many of you hear the proceeding you may agree. Some still won't, and that's okay. I do not desire these men to be "torn apart" though by critics that do not know them as I do. I do see it as collateral damage and accept that. This issue is bigger than me or these men by a long shot.

    THAT SAID, goodheartedness still isn't enough...hasn't the WT always taught that Jesus' words in Matthew 7:21-23 prove that he didn't accept just sincerity alone?

  • leavingwt

    RayPublisher: One more thing, it will get better. The first two months or so can be extremely stressful with sleepless nights and lots of anxiety. Slowly, but surely, your life will cease to revovle around things related to the WT. Many things that now seem like a BFD will simply be an amusing memory within a few years. Hang in there. You're not alone.

  • RayPublisher

    @LeavingWT - Very true. I've already experienced quite a lot of that and it is fading, as mentally I've been out and prepped for this eventuality for months.

  • RayPublisher

    BTW I'm forgetting whether I mentioned this or not, but this evening they will be giving me their "verdict".

    I have a brief response planned, and will bring that part of the story to you soon, as a prologue to this little tale of woe and whoa and wow that I am going through...

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Good Luck, RayP!

  • EndofMysteries

    RayPub - the way you went about it is the same I'd do, also there is one further thing you may be able to do.................I'm really too tired to go into deep detail but your concern for them. They are told they are judging for Jehovah, the scriptures about judging and getting the same judgement. Also how scriptually they are not permitted to do what they are doing. If they show you the scriptures for being able to judge, that is speaking about annointed ones, if they are not annointed how can they do it ? Then teh scriptures used for punishment is talking about Jehovah punishing those who partake of the wine and bread unworthily, so reading in context, there is no way to conclude punishment. Finally how people are told if they are dfed, they are not in Jehovah's favor. So putting what they do on Jehovah when Jehovah may or may not have forgiven that person. Bottom line, what they are doing is not scriptual and Jehovah may be very angry about it, he is actually, as all the prophet books foretold this would be happening to his people before the end. Anyway probably not enough time to learn that angle, but if you did, and they understood and realized it, front that day on they would feel very very guilty and nervous if they had anything to do with judicial commitees.

  • RayPublisher

    @RVW - Thanks bro- I'll take that positive energy and put it in my pocket!

    @EOM - There's so many good pieces of reasoning like this. And this is why we need places like this forum, and blogs and sites like JWFacts, JWStruggle, Freeminds, Marvin's great blog, John's, Cedar's survey site, etc.


    An update before I get off this computer for a day or two and enjoy the weekend:

    I will be releasing 2, possibly 3 new videos on my YouTube channel, JWSTRUGGLE this weekend. One of them will be an 8 minute highlight reel of the 3 hour judicial meeting.

    My prayer is that documenting this will help a lot of people escape the Witnesses, and comfort those of us that need these reaffirmations of our own personal decisions and situation.



  • RayPublisher

    UPDATE: Sometime late tonight I hope to have the highlight video on the YouTube channel for JWStruggle.

    The reason it will be late is because my buddy Eric R. (yet another friend with my name lol) is throwing me a "DFing party"! Yes it's true! Eric has been out about 5 years and he has been a HUGE friend lately.

    I did ask that someone cook goat, as I felt it would be a good joke...



    In the meantime, here is a screengrab from Adobe Premiere Pro as I edit some of it.

    JC screengrab


    Awesome!! Those poor guys.... they are slaves to men.

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