Did Jehovah give Noah a specific command to warn others of the flood?

by hoser 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quendi


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Hmmm, I dunno. It's sounds a bit implausible, Leo. This part was an eye-brow raiser, for one:

    even virtual prey for the predators to kill and feed upon

    Surely you know that animals were vegetarians until AFTER the Flood, when Gen 9:5 gave man and animal alike the permission to eat animal flesh, although YHWH demanded an accounting for spilled life-blood (including blood spilled BY animals. I presume the excuse, "But YWHW, I AM a wild lion, after-all: you MADE me a Natural Born Predator...." would suffice? Apparently animals are permitted to eat a TEENSIE bit of blood with the flesh of their victims, as their paws make it really hard to efficiently bleed their victims).

    Sheeze, and you're the theological crackerjack around here, and you miss stuff like THAT?

    Another problematic element to your "Gopher 3000" theory is that I don't remember hearing about the Gopher 1000 OR 2000.... What happened to these models? No traces in Akkadian tablets? Are you sure you're not making things up again, Arnold?

  • MrFreeze

    There was a scripture in Matthew I think that said Noah was a preacher of righteousness. It never said he went door to door warning people. It probably just meant he was a good example of a righteous man.

  • Leolaia

    King Solomon.....I am disappointed in you. Surely I would have thought you would realize that "virtual predation" ≠ "eating meat". Those animals did not become actual carnivores until after they left the ark and confronted actual, real, non-virtual fleshly meaty animals. But they became predators once they boarded the GOPHER 3000 and were placed into their own respective behavior-modification holodecks. That is because predation is a behavior, and one purpose for the year-long Flood was to brainwash these animals through a complex series of synatical-neuro-flashy electronic cues to make them want to attack other animals and eat them. Thanks to sophisticated holodeck technology, they were eating virtual tofu but their brains were processing it as bloody, pulsatingly juicy fleshly yummy meat. After a year of this, they were ready to eat real meat-sticks in the wild.

    The GOPHER 1000 was built for Enoch to leave earth several hundreds of years earlier. The GOPHER 2000 was an early model of the ark, but had certain design flaws that rendered it impractical for long-term submersion.

  • leavingwt

    Think of all those children who were drowned by Jehovah.


    I built an Ark..

    Gathered all the animals and..

    Still had Time..

    To go in the Field Service!..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Noah took part in a special Spring Campaign distributing the tract entitled "How Well Can You Swim?"

  • ziddina


    I was hoping to hear more about the origins of the Djinn legends...

    pouty kitty

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