Apparently the GOP concern about possible voter fraud is a case of projection of what they would do.
Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics
Sproul, who the Romney campaign paid 1.3 million, has more 5 States reporting the same voter fraud as his company, Strategic Allied Consulting, gets caught. The RNC paid Strategic Allied 3.1 million for their services. Maybe its just a few bad apples in his organization.
Well I'm voting third party so I don't care what either of them say.
maybe it was to prove a point that voter ID's are important? lol at ya
MAYBE! There is no real vote fraud problem, so perhaps they not only manufactured a false narrative, but are now trying to manufacture false fraud, which is AWKWARD because it is real fraud. Regardless---this is registration! And guess what. It was not successful, proving that we already have safeties in place. And the current laws would have done nothing to prevent this Republican fraud. ID's at the polls would not have stopped a bunch of Republicans from committing voter REGISTRATION fraud.
But this happens all the time. Especially with petitions. Each name if verified, so good show.
MAYBE! There is no real vote fraud problem,
Yes there is. We have a sitting Minnesota Senator who got there by vote fraud. Over a hundred convictions, and hundreds more sure to come. That fraud gave Obamacare its crucial final vote.
You are fully aware that the goal here is voter suppression, and you hope it works.
“There is no basis in fact, whatsoever, in these inaccuracies propagated by the Minnesota Majority here, none,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Wednesday. “After the most closely scrutinized election in Minnesota history in 2008, there were zero cases of fraud. Even the Republicans lawyers acknowledged that there was no systematic effort to defraud the election, none.”
“In Hennepin County, 650,000 people voted,” he continued. “The Minnesota Majority presented us with 1,500 cases that they felt there were problems with voting. Our own election bureau gave us 100. At the end of the day, we charged 38 cases. And all but one of them are felons voting who were still under the penalty [of not legally applying to regain individual voting rights]. There was no fraud.”
In many cases, former felons are not aware that they have to go through a legal process to regain their voting rights, unlike getting a driver’s license.
Voter fraud is wrong no matter who or the party involved. In Franken's election, discounting convictions for fraud and not knowing which of the 1100 individuals voted for Coleman or Al, Al won by around 77 votes.
Like Social Security and Medicare, the Affordable Care Act will help millions in the years to come and is already helping millions of Americans.
And if you ever need help docking one of your yachts at one of your summer homes - Mitt's your man:
From Bill Marriot, executive chairman of Marriot Int'l.:
"Both Mitt and I have summer places up in New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee. And a few summers ago I was taking my grandchildren and children to town in the boat for ice cream. And we got into the docks and they were all full and I looked around, there was no place to park, so we stopped at the end of a dock. They all jumped off and ran up the dock. And I realized there was nobody in the boat to help me dock the boat, handle the ropes, do anything -- they just left me out there at sea. So I finally found a place to park after about 20 minutes, and I pulled in, I said, 'Who's going to grab the rope?,' and I looked up and there was Mitt Romney. So he pulled me in, he tied up the boat for me. He rescued me just as he's going to rescue this great country."
Great, thanks, Bill! Just what this campaign needs - another graphic reminder of Mitt's wealth.
Mitt and the grandkids:
Why would this guy want the ass-ache of being POTUS? No, seriously - WHY?
The two year assault on Women's Rights by the GOP is going to bite Mitt and Paul in their asses on Nov.6th.