6Trillion is a huge debt and it will take a balance of taxes and cuts to bring it under control. Romney and Bain et al hurt everyone since they take Federal and State Tax Credits, empty Pension funds or file the occaisional bankruptcy which roll on our dime.
Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics
6Trillion is a huge debt and it will take a balance of taxes and cuts to bring it under control. Romney and Bain et al hurt everyone since they take Federal and State Tax Credits, empty Pension funds or file the occaisional bankruptcy which roll on our dime.
You must mean like the GM bankruptcy on the taxpayer dime and the tens of thousands of dealership employees he forced out. How do you spew your shit with a straight face?
In January, 2009, the month he entered office, median household income was $54,983. By June, 2012, it had spiraled down to $50,964. That’s a loss of $4,019 per family, the equivalent of losing a little less than one month’s income a year, every year. And on our current course that is only going to get worse not better.
And more of that median household income has been lost in Obama's recovery than in the recession itself!
Three years into the Obama recovery, median family income had declined nearly 5% by June, 2012 as compared to June, 2009. That is nearly twice the decline of 2.6% that occurred during the recession from December, 2007 until June, 2009. As the Wall Street Journal summarized in its August 25-26 weekend edition, “For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession.”
GM needed a lifeline from our government. Long term GM will be ok. Glad we had a president to do the tough call. There would be no GM had the Tea Baggers been in control. Go join your misery loves company crowd.
'All Recessions end' Warren Buffett.
darth frosty
Come out of your ass burns you know you dont want no conversation on the woefull nature of your nominee. Dude is already trying to back away from tax cuts?!?
DUDE based on romneys history even you have to see where this is going!
As of today we now know for sure that Obama and Clinton both knew that the 9/11 Bengazi attack was a planned act of terror. But they officially lied and said it was a spontaneous act triggered by a video that offended muslims.
Something really stinks with this gang of hacks called our administration.
King Solomon
Hey, whatever happened to the thread where BTS offered updates on the outcome of the election? Haven't seen THAT one lately....
darth frosty
Posted Sep 26, 2012 10:42pm EDT
Former President George W. Bush is set to deliver the keynote address at the Cayman Alternative Investment Summit on Grand Cayman just a few days before the election.
The conference will feature Bush as the keynote speaker on the first night, and British billionaire Sir Richard Branson on the second night.
"Institutional investors, private investors, asset allocators, fund managers, service providers, academics and regulators will benefit from this discussion on the future of the industry," reads to the FAQ section of the website.
The timing of the conference could land awkwardly during an election season that's been marked by speculation about Mitt Romney's finances, particularly his offshore investments in tax havens like the Cayman Islands.
h/t James Carter
It's all legal. End of story.