Aware! - Yes I have been to Jwfacts on numerous occassions but I find their articles misleading/inaccurate regarding doctrinal issues.
Freydo - I am not really sure what your point is. Jesus commanded his disciples to go into the "circuit of the cities of ISRAEL.." He did not send them to the nations. Also Jesus said "search out who is deserving", there were also plenty of Jews who hated Jesus and the message he preached. They were not deemed deserving. But how could they be deemed deserving if they weren't at first preached to? How could this be done unless they talked to every Jew in the city?
NewChapter - Thank you for agreeing that door to door preaching is ethically right and Biblically sound.
KingSolomon - Sorry, but your Every Home for Christ buddies simply don't stack up. They are a collaboration of several different Christian denominations. Definitely not a united message. Besides, when people think of someone coming to their door, do they say "Jeez, those Every Home for Christ members are so annoying?" Of course not. They also believe in pagan concepts such as the Trinity, which definitely means they cannot lead you to a true relationship with God. They only have a total of 16,000 door to door volunteers. After almost 60 years, this is all they have. How will the good news ever be preached in all the inhabited earth with such a small number? Your example does not carry any weight whatsoever.
James_Woods wants to continue to argue that there is no basis for door to door by the early Christian or Christ's disciples. I am not going to argue with someone who refuses to acknowledge what the Bible says.
Everything on page 2 answered.