Apostasy Trial - Part 4

by RayPublisher 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freydo

    There is absolutely no love in the jw borg - it's all about loyalty and following orders - like the military

  • Sauerkraut

    The thing that always gets to me is that the majority of Witnesses don't seem to know what their publications teach. How can the Elders deny the fact that according to WT teachings basically only JWs will survive Armageddon. I guess they're not reading the magazines?

    The other day I spoke to a Brother and we talked about the mediatorship of Jesus and that the publications teach that he's the mediator of the anointed. It freaked me out that the Brother straight out denied that, he thought I had made it up.

    RayPublisher, I can't put in words how impressive your cool is during that trial. I don't think I'd have managed that well. I could jump in the screen and throw a bunch of study bibles at them.

    It's amazing that they brought the baptism questions up. That takes lots of nerve, or delusion.


  • BroMac

    freydo thanks for the c t russel q&a. the gist of it is for trivial matters matt 18 is sufficient but for more serious matters where unrepentance is their then a tribunal of some sorts would be ok?

    did i get that correct?

    did russel elaborate on what the serious matters may be?

    what is clear here is that Eric is clearly a christian. loves god, jesus, his enemies, neighbours. this star chamber is really dealing with trivial matters that elders have no business being involved. for all his faults russell would turn in his grave unless hes in heaven... who's to say.

  • freydo

    I don't have the book any more, but as I recall he said something about when a matter had reached the point of noteriety then the elders might convene some sort of sort of investigatory committee before taking the matter before the whole church. The whole idea being not to throw one of the members under the bus over hearsay. It just goes to show how far the borg has degenerated, just like how the early church turned into the RCC.

    What Pastor Russell Said p 479

    Meetings Elders in Court of Inquiry Questions 1916

    "Is it proper for the elders to sit at a court of inquiry and cite any supposed to be walking in a disorderly manner to appear before them and explain their conduct?" Or should the Lord's advice at Matt 18:15-18 be followed?

    Answer - "I agree with the suggestion of the question that it should be handled in harmony with the Lord's direction in the passage cited. The Lord's word does not authorize any court of the Elders, or anyone else, to become busybodies. THis would be going back to the practices of the Dark Ages during the inquisition; and we would be showing the same spirit as did the inquisitors. The Lord has put the matter in a simple way and we could not improve upon it......We should remember the word of the Lord which says, 'The Lord will judge his people.' If he should need any punishment, we may trust the Lord to give it to him and not take the matter into our own hands. We should have confidence in the Lord. If we can stop the wrong that is as far as we can go. But if the wrong doer should persist in his wrong-doing and not repent, and if the matter should be of sufficient importance, then we are to bring the matter to the attention of the of the Church for correction. We should not bring any small or trifling matter. It is my judgment that 3/4 of the things which are brought to my attention - had better be dropped."

  • jookbeard

    great work Ray, if I had a pound for every time these 3 idiots mentioned the word "organization" and "faithful slave" you could have a fair few quid! Correct about these 3 idiots being so naive about the WTS teachings in years past, what they forget about the those graphic images in The Revelation/Live Forever and Paradise books of mass murder of those being slaughtered at Armageddon? plus the bare faced lies and dishonesty is breathtaking, reminds me so much of my own JC all those years ago.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The Three Stooges, Larry, Moe & Curly! That is who these three ‘elders’ remind me of. Their arguments are so laughable!

    It is quite concerning to think that most bodies of elders could possibly be made up of one or more of this type of character.

    I know our congregation of 7 elders has at least one full set of stooges.

  • lost1

    Being a non jw and after reading everything on this site last couple of months and reading this thread and even though I may not understand a lot of it (or probably never will) it has had me hooked. How they can tread people like this I will never understand. I have total admiration of you and how you dealt with this and can I wish you all the best for the future. Have recently discovered "the ex" sat on these and totally screwed up the life of someone on this site a few years ago. to the point of him making threats against "the ex". Makes me wonder how may more lifes he ****** up. RayPublisher - I salute you! Thank you.

  • issuesneedtissues

    I admire Your demeanor under fire first of all. I thank You so much for sharing the vids and I commend You on Your courage. I don't know from where You pulled it up from, but it speaks volumes to Your good heart. My opinion is that there were four men in that room, and all four left with their minds open and challenged. I cannot think otherwise.

    The elder who said basically that thinking is one thing, saying it is another really stood out to Me, I bet He is losing some sleep and is dealing with some real beliefs now.

    You handled the whole thing beautifully and again, I admire Your honesty, bravery, and love.

  • tornapart

    It's so incredible that the only thing they ever really seem to want to know is what is your loyalty towards the organisation, the FDS, the GB... it's almost as if nothing else matters. You could say how much your loyalty still is with Jehovah, how much it still is with Jesus. You still pray, you still study the bible. You love Jehovah, you love Christ. BUT... it's not or never is ENOUGH!!

    Apostasy isn't about disowning Christ, it's about disowning a man-made organisation....

  • BlindersOff1

    Way to go .You would think it will make these Smelders think to consider how sensible and calm you were.

    When their taught that you are being controlled by SATAN . Mentally diseased, crazy. You didnt sound

    unbalanced at all . They had to constantly fall back on deluded cult speak.

    This man made cult causes so much pain and anguish . Hang in there.

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