Apostasy Trial - Part 4

by RayPublisher 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Your illustration of how the Jewish system was corrupt and how the prophets spoke against it and then Jesus spoke against it was awesome. Notice that they couldn't counter that. The best the one elder (Cosmo?) could do was say "Well if they ever told me to stop serving Jehovah, I would leave." Who told the people to ever stop serving Jehovah? What about in Jesus day? The only things He spoke against was the Jewish system of rules and how they corrupted the Law.

    It was a rock solid argument. It was one of the only arguments that they wouldn't even touch.

  • RayPublisher

    @tootired2care - I got that one from one of Ray's books I'm sure...

    @freydo - great quote- if only it was that simple lol. I do think there is SOME love...just not enough!

    @Sauerkraut - True- a couple points even they didn't know IMO. Well part of why I was calm is bc I knew there was nothing they could do to me anymore- I was expecting to be DFed so that made it easier. It was a slam dunk for them...or you would have thought- but they drug it out for another two days! You'll see that in part 6.

    @jookbeard - Yeah that's their favorite word and the WTs as well. Hmmmm...

    @JW GoneBad - Well they did their best. They didn't feel they had to "win" I suppose as they have the house rules operating in their favor.

    @lost1 - Thanks!

    @issuesneedtissues - "here were four men in that room, and all four left with their minds open and challenged" What a great observation- THANK YOU.

    @tornapart - Yep they were a bit single-minded weren't they?

    @BlindersOff1 - It hasn't been the best few decades for the WT Corp has it? Back in the "good old days" it wasn't always about the Org, just serving God, at least for many JW members.

  • ldrnomo

    Sauerkraut said:

    The other day I spoke to a Brother and we talked about the mediatorship of Jesus and that the publications teach that he's the mediator of the anointed. It

    freaked me out that the Brother straight out denied that, he thought I had made it up.

    This reminded me of the story I heard several times about a witness at the door who was showing a person Ps 83:18 and the person said "it doesn't say that in my bible" the witness then showed the person the scripture in their bible and the person immediatly ripped the page out and again said "it doesn't say that in my bible"

    show him the WT article and he may rip the page out.

    Thank you Ray for showing us this "star chamber/tribunal/kangaroo court" it gives me thoughts on what I might say in case I'm ever in your circumstance.

  • Lied2NoMore

    I see myself sitting in front of one of these star chamber tribunals in the future and here will be some of my responses to a few of their questions: do recognize the authority of this committee? Answer: could you please inform me by what authority? Is it the authority of the corporate entity of this congregation? Is it by the authority of the WTBTS corporation? Because my attorney will want to know when you violate my civil rights who ultimately to name as defendants. Or is it a self appointed authority in which case do you carry an insurance policy which protects you from civil action as a result of these proceedings?

    do you think this is a tribunal? Answer: no I think this a carbon copy of the unjust trial Jesus endured

  • Lied2NoMore

    I got more responses, but just had to say, that Cosmo dude, what a complete moron. Entire video was riveting (both) I will also video my meeting but I will hit harder from a legal standpoint because I feel there will arise a legal movement to shut down the WT because of their extreme practices and harmful doctrines

    way to go brother!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I honestly could never put myself through this type of bullshit, but I'm glad you did RAYPUBLISHER.

    I think what your videos demonstrate best is how shaky the whole damn deck of cards really is, and when in comes down to it, how confused JWs are as to what they believe/are supposed to believe.

  • freydo

    One thing that struck me was how many times the elders kept saying that they took an oath. They also insinuated that baptism was also an oath. But I never took an oath. Only answered two questions involving repentance and identification as a jw. Maybe they snuck one in during the pre-baptism 80. I didn't sign anything either that I recall. Do elders sign anything prior to or after becoming one?

  • freydo

    Secret oaths makes it sound masonic which the wtbt$$$ has been accused of and that I have become more and more convinced is valid. They both put out an attractive package(helping children and paradise), but their real agenda is known only to the higher ups.

  • tec

    Awesome witness at around 22 minutes about Christ being the only mediator between man and God.

    Peace to you!


  • RayPublisher

    @ldrnomo - yeah that page-ripping story's been floating around since I was a kid...applied right back at them would be poetic lol.

    As for when/if you find yourself at that point, don't even worry or fret about it- within the first 2 minutes you will feel free as a bird and your mouth will open and, as it did with me, you will prevail.

    @Lied2NoMore - You will do the same! I can't wait to watch yours someday if that is your path. But hiding and lying for years on end was too tiresome for me and it's so much better now to be F R E E.

    @breakfast of champions - Glad to be of service lol. It is shaky- like a house of cards as you say. Pull one thread loose and all the rest come tumbling out. I know this is a cliche but I am going to say it anyway: Praise God!

    @freydo - I think they were speaking metaphorically about "the oath". I don't think there is anything formally done as far as elders actually taking some oath. There wasn't when I was an elder at least. The legal dept likes their "improvement" on the 2nd question though, as it has saved their butts in court over the years when DFed folks try and sue.

    @tec - Thanks for the nice message you sent me! Yes the mediator question and answer was one of the best in the whole meeting. I don't think the younger brother even knew Jesus wasn't his mediator according to WT dogma...I really don't.

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