Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • OnTheWayOut

    Entirely Possible, let me answer for "them." You weren't sincere.

    (That means you had to totally believe you would get an answer from God/Christ and believe so hard that you would accept any coincidence as a sign and then further let your brain be wide open to the idea that you can hear from God/Christ and then you will probably get jealous of AGuest and others who have supposedly actually heard words, not just signs, from God/Christ and you will ultimately decide that you also did hear words from God/Christ. After establishing that you did have such contact, you will further be ready to convince yourself that you have such contact on a semi-regular basis.)

  • EntirelyPossible

    OTWO, I WAS an an Oktoberfest yesterday and I DID get beer. Proof?

  • NewChapter

    Beer is always proof.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Yes. It is coincidences like that which are not really coincidences, but Jesus reaching out to you. You prayed and prayed and Jesus wants you to be happy. Beer made you happy. If you got "happy" enough, you would have heard from Jesus, or at least convinced yourself within a day or two that you did.

    This coincides with the thread idea- Jesus wants to reach out to believers and unbelievers alike. He is doing so by putting fake evidence out there about his "wife" so that believers can scoff at it and unbelievers can be happy for awhile until they realize it isn't any real evidence at all and then they have spent an inordinate amount of time listening to believers and they will come to believe.

    PROOF OF WHAT I SAY- Entirely Possible is already starting to wonder.

  • kurtbethel

    This is SO cool! Now Jesus doesn't have to pay back alimony to that gold digging trollop.

  • tec

    Tammy wrote this in another thread. I think it's interesting because the advice she is giving to NC is that the had to ask Christ to know God through him and then he will talk back.

    You have a 'the' in the above that I think is supposed to be something else, so I might be misunderstanding here.

    I did not have to ask Christ to know God through Him. I had only to look at Christ, to see God. Since Christ is the image of God. I did not have to look at other writings, or what people said about God. I had only to look at Christ, and what He did and said about His Father. And yes, I did look at the gospels and other writings witnessing TO him, to learn about Him. I did not GO to him with the understanding that He is alive and can answer (or even know that i could go to him) until later.

    But this seems to indicate that Tammy had Christ before she had that understanding. Indeed it seems Christ is partial.

    I had nothing more that I can tell, over anyone else.

    As an experiment, I prayed for the past two days, asking for exactly what Tammy said I should ask for and being open to hearing voices.

    As an experiment for what?

    Like as in asking for a sign?

    Also I never said what anyone should ask for, that I can recall... other than ears to hear. Then to KEEP asking; KEEP knocking.

    On a personal note, I had faith that I would hear, when i asked. Because I trusted Him to keep his promise and answer the door. Not as a sign (when I asked, and my motive was... um... selfish, I heard nothing). Just so that I could hear to do what He wanted me to do, help others that He would want me to help.



  • NewChapter
    Tammy wrote this in another thread. I think it's interesting because the advice she is giving to NC is that the had to ask Christ to know God through him and then he will talk back.
    You have a 'the' in the above that I think is supposed to be something else, so I might be misunderstanding here.
    I did not have to ask Christ to know God through Him. I had only to look at Christ, to see God. Since Christ is the image of God. I did not have to look at other writings, or what people said about God. I had only to look at Christ, and what He did and said about His Father. And yes, I did look at the gospels and other writings witnessing TO him, to learn about Him. I did not GO to him with the understanding that He is alive and can answer (or even know that i could go to him) until later.

    KS, I know you didn't think you were going to enter into a word debate, but you see, I have come to expect this. She did not have to ask---she had to look. Although she has often told us to ask Christ--assuming that she asked Christ anything is a total misrepresentation of what she does. She LOOKEd and he had something to SAY about his father. How ridiculous you are KS, to actually make the mistake of using the work ASK to completely change the context and meaning of EVERYTHING said by her. Why the difference is so unacceptable and vast, it changes everything. She LOOKED at Christ, and Christ SPOKE about his father. How could you ever come up with a verb such as ASK from that????? Sheesh.

    And she depended on lying scribes for the info in the first place. Without the efforts of these lying scribes, one would not even know to ask look to Christ. Which explains why people generally only find this Christ if he is already a part of their culture. Christ is biased that way.

  • tec

    KS, I know you didn't think you were going to enter into a word debate, but you see, I have come to expect this.

    I think that was EP, not KS.

    She did not have to ask---she had to look. Although she has often told us to ask Christ--assuming that she asked Christ anything is a total misrepresentation of what she does. She LOOKEd and he had something to SAY about his father. How ridiculous you are KS, to actually make the mistake of using the work ASK to completely change the context and meaning of EVERYTHING said by her. Why the difference is so unacceptable and vast, it changes everything. She LOOKED at Christ, and Christ SPOKE about his father. How could you ever come up with a verb such as ASK from that????? Sheesh.

    There was no changing/flipflop/whatever. I looked first. I think most of us do. Not all. But I personally needed to see something first. Took me quite a while of looking before I realized that God was as CHRIST showed him to be. I certainly loved Christ, and I knew that His words (in the bible or anywhere else) were truth, over anything that contradicted them. But I did not make the connection between Christ showing God at first. At first, I said I loved God... but I think I was more scared of Him. (and too scared not to say that I loved Him)

    I loved God later. Starting with when I realized God was something more than what I had always thought... because Christ loved Him. That was a defining moment for me. I think it was then that I could actually start to love Him. Because there is no fear in love. But I had not been looking at God through Christ, at all.

    I prayed throughout all of this, asking for various things. But it was not until later, when i realized i could ask and perhaps even hear, that I DID ask to hear. I had also always been afraid to ask for God to send me holy spirit. First because I did not undertand what that was; second, because I was not sure that I had the right to ask, and third, I was not sure that I wanted it... whatever it was.

    Of course, even if you do not want to ask or cannot ask... one does not need to in order to see that to see Christ, is to see the Father. It is right there in black and white. You can ASK, however, to be SURE... because the bible is not a perfect means of communication. Like I said earlier.

    And she depended on lying scribes for the info in the first place. Without the efforts of these lying scribes, one would not even know to ask look to Christ. Which explains why people generally only find this Christ if he is already a part of their culture. Christ is biased that way.

    To have heard about him... yes. Could i have otherwise... I can't say, because that is not the world i live in, and so who knows?

    I did not just trust what people had written though. I saw truth in His teachings. Mercy and love in his teachings. Those spoke to me more than the mere words on the page.

    And Christ is not biased; people are.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    This god of yours is very exacting...don't ask the 'right way' he doesn't talk to you. Don't 'look' to him before you 'ask', again, he doesn't talk to you, don't have enough faith the right way, you guessed it, he won't talk to you. There are so many EXCUSES why Jesus wouldn't talk to you it is beyond belief. ..even if you ask him to show you what you are doing wrong, if he doesn't respond, you are obviously doing it wrong.

    I strongly suggest to ANYONE that is hearing a voice, even if they think it is Jesus, to seek medical advice. If it turns out to be harmless then good luck with that.

  • tec

    He talks to everyone and anyone... not everyone listens or hears him... or recognizes him. He was speaking to me long before I heard or recognized Him.



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