Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • tec

    Thomas asked for a sign of the resurrection. He always believed in Christ. Not just the man. But who the man WAS. He also stood by Christ through his trials.

    And yeah, you can ask. Absolutely. I think its great. Keep asking, keep knocking.

    Peace to you,


  • EntirelyPossible

    Thomas asked for a sign of the resurrection. He always believed in Christ. Not just the man. But who the man WAS. He also stood by Christ through his trials.

    The resurrection IS the point. Otherwise Jesus was just a dude.

    And yeah, you can ask. Absolutely. I think its great. Keep asking, keep knocking.

    Why? If I am lost, my GPS responds right away. If my kids need help, I respond as soon as I hear them. I am going to do a 7 day trial run. In that time, I am keeping track of all the things that respond quicker that Christ (you are one of those things). If Jesus as God exists, they surely can't expect me to be impressed with messages of impartiality but the extreme practice of it and with claims that people who ask will hear their voice and then NOT responding.

  • tec

    You can do whatever 'trial run' you want, EP.

    I would not be surprised if your 'test' yields nothing for you.

    Something to mull over:

    "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."



    (You still have to use your gps according to the way IT works, yes? According to its instructions. You don't get to decide that your gps will work in some other way (such as show routes that aren't on the maps, etc) , just because you say it should.)

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    The thing with people and their blame of God in acting too slow is...If He doesn't respond in the manner and length that we deem is appropriate, then He is either slow, cruel, or doesn't exist.

    Humanism is like this. It's all about self. There is nothing greater than self. And self dictates everything. There is no greater power outside of ourself, and many (though not all) come to this conclusion because their concept of God did not respond in the way and speed that they thought He would. So He must not exist. I see it over and over again. Yes, I acknowledge that there are those that use science to support their non belief in God. But for many people science was not the reason they stopped believing, but it was a way to explain why they already didn't believe. I'm not saying that is everyone, but I have met many people that are this way.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Something to mull over:

    "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

    Something to mull over, once I know Jesus well enough to know his commands and love him, only THEN will he show himself? After I already know him then he will let me know him? Paul wasn't reaching out to Jesus and already know his will, Jesus reached out to him. Cornelius didn't know Jesus, yet Jesus sent someone to him. The man infected by Legion didn't know Jesus, yet Jesus reached out to him.

    There are so many examples of Jesus proactively reaching out that the claim that I somehow have to know all about from a book that YOU claim is full of misinformation from lying scibes, divine what's true about Jesus, obey him and THEN he will let me know him is laughable. Particularly when you have said many times that ALL you have to go is ask.

    You still have to use your gps according to the way IT works, yes? According to its instructions. You don't get to decide that your gps will work in some other way (such as show routes that aren't on the maps, etc) , just because you say it should

    Yeah, exactly. And I have a manual that is explicit. And the GPS can often figure out that even if I didn't ask the exact right way that I am trying to get somewhere and can help. You are telling the to go to Jesus to use the manual that's full of lies and figure it out on my own and once I have figured it out, then he will give me the right manual with clear instructions. Or not, depending on if he likes my attitude or the way I phrased the question or if he thinks I asked hard enough.

    The thing with people and their blame of God in acting too slow is...If He doesn't respond in the manner and length that we deem is appropriate, then He is either slow, cruel, or doesn't exist.

    Since he has yet to actually keep a single one of his promises or give any tangible proof that he intends to, what is the other option?

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Since he has yet to actually keep a single one of his promises or give any tangible proof that he intends to, what is the other option?

    “Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed’” ( John 20:29 ).

    No matter how God reveals Himself, there will always be those that deny His existance. This isn't new.

    Romans 1:20-22: "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, made known to the mind by the things that are made, are clearly perceived,—both His eternal power and divinity; so as to render them inexcusable: because, though knowing God, they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor were they thankful [towards Him] but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

    The proof is staring you in the face, yet people still want to attribute everything to an unintelligent accident. Yet no one can explain how to get LIFE from NON LIFE. But instead of consider that there could be an intelligent designer, they still refuse. They still mock those that say that there must be some sort of design behind nature.

    To me it sounds more ridiculous to believe that life came from non life than to believe in a designer.

    Imagine IF the Bible is true about it's accounts of Jesus. It shows that Jesus even came to earth to show us God, performed miracles, died, and was resurrected. But yet, not everyone believed in Him even THEN. It was not enough. It will never be enough for some people. They choose to not glorify God and profess themselves to be wise.

    That's why it's my conviction that nothing science or religion says tends to change people's minds about God. They have to experience God for themselves. If they are willing, they will experience God. And that will be their proof.

  • EntirelyPossible

    No matter how God reveals Himself, there will always be those that deny His existance. This isn't new.

    Some people will believe anything. This isn't new.

    But, you are missing the point. I am asking. Every day. And. Getting. Nothing.

    Yet no one can explain how to get LIFE from NON LIFE.

    Not really germaine to the discussion, but if that is whay you think, then you probably should read a lot more.

    They have to experience God for themselves. If they are willing, they will experience God. And that will be their proof.

    And that's my point. I am asking Jesus for that very experience. He's not answering the phone.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    but if that is whay you think, then you probably should read a lot more.

    I read a ton, and there is no answer to this question. It can't be simulated. The theories that DO exist are ridiculous to me. Mutations on the backs of crystals? Hmmm...

    And that's my point. I am asking Jesus for that very experience. He's not answering the phone.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You can do whatever 'trial run' you want, EP.

    I would not be surprised if your 'test' yields nothing for you.

    LOL...already making excuses for him not hearing anything?...have faith in your christ tec....or do you doubt he will hear?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You still have to use your gps according to the way IT works, yes? According to its instructions. You don't get to decide that your gps will work in some other way (such as show routes that aren't on the maps, etc) , just because you say it should...tec

    Actually, my gps will re route my destination if I decide to go a different way and will STILL get me there. It still talks to me regardless of if I listen to it or not. And I can still hear it regardless of it I choose to listen or not.

    I enter the responds EP...I think you should start a thread "countdown to hearing Jesus" and we can see how many years it takes before you hear this voice. And I would like to remind you that if you DO hear this voice that it would be wise to get medical advice to make sure it isn't anything more serious.

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