Jesus wife fragment is a fake

by Christ Alone 494 Replies latest social current

  • tec

    Really? That is total supposition. Answer me this then, what was the point of Jesus even bothering to come and die for our sins? Show me where in the bible it states that God's plan for unicorns and rainbows is dependent upon the actions of humans.

    It isn't. But effects are dependent upon the cause. So if someone is hording food, or power, and caring nothing about those who are suffering... then people suffer. If someone gives help, aid, food to someone who is suffering or hungry, then their hunger and suffering eases.

    Christ came so that we could have LIFE... and freedom in Him.

    So god just put those sharp teeth on Lions to look cool?

    Those sharp teeth on the lions evolved, did they not?

    (The spiritual came before the physical. The garden is a spiritual place; and whilst in that garden, adam and eve were spiritual beings)



  • elderelite

    Oh no.... You arnt getting off that easy dear one... I didnt just say jehusha. The whole long thing... Whatever she says it is... Did u hea rthe whole thing or just the jehusha part? I defy you to fine ONE person other her to EVER, in the history of mankind, hear the whole thing. ONE person. Did you hear it all or just the jehusha...?

  • tec

    There is nothing for me to 'get off easy' about.

    I said exactly what I heard... and described it so. I did so for myelaine, because she asked... and not for any of you. I know you will not believe. I know the accusations you will make. I simply do not care about those.

    (And don't you mean you 'dare' me to find one person to hear it all? Never cared much about dares, not even as a kid.)

    But in truth, I think this is your attempt to 'get off easy'. Because even though jaheshua or some other similar pronunciation/spelling is used, and by others, even those with no connection to one another... you need to find fault. Which is fine. I don't blame you for not accepting it on someone else's word. Like I said... I never did. I don't expect anyone else to either; that would make me a hypocrite. I don't put my faith in people, EE. I do put it in Christ and God, and in love.



  • elderelite

    Lol so you avoid the question. Very well. You didnt answer so i take it you didnt hear the full thing... This time. Maybe he just wispered it too quietly. Listen harder and youll be spouting the whole jeshua whatchamacallhim in no time! Just like her...

    And lest we overlook, dear one, it was YOU who brought up the idea that the name has been used before. I challenged you back up that completely made up LIE by providing just ONE person, aside from your prophetess, who has ever used that rediculous name she made up for her god. ONE person.

  • tootired2care

    (The spiritual came before the physical. The garden is a spiritual place; and whilst in that garden, adam and eve were spiritual beings)

    So were the animals spiritual beings too that Adam named?

    So if someone is hording food, or power, and caring nothing about those who are suffering... then people suffer. If someone gives help, aid, food to someone who is suffering or hungry, then their hunger and suffering eases. Christ came so that we could have LIFE... and freedom in Him.

    That does not make sense; unless you don't believe in god, jesus, and bible promises in which case that makes perfect sense.

    Take care TEC, and yes I do have peace.

  • tec

    Lol so you avoid the question. Very well. You didnt answer so i take it you didnt hear the full thing... This time. Maybe he just wispered it too quietly. Listen harder and youll be spouting the whole jeshua whatchamacallhim in no time! Just like her...

    I did answer. Stop comparing my answer to Aguest and you might not see more than what is there.

    And lest we overlook, dear one, it was YOU who brought up the idea that the name has been used before.

    Yeah, the name I heard. You are the one looking at Aguest as the test of what I may or may not have heard. Not me.

    I challenged you back up that completely made up LIE by providing just ONE person, aside from your prophetess, who has ever used that rediculous name she made up for her god. ONE person.

    No lie. You had something else in your head, other than what I said here. That is on you, not me.

    If you want to discuss something with me... then talk to me. Don't talk to someone else (Aguest) through me, and don't put someone else's words in my mouth.



  • tec
    So were the animals spiritual beings too that Adam named?

    Since they were brought into the garden to be 'named' then at some point, yes.

    There is something about the timing that is off; that I do not understand. If ever I do, and can, I will share it.

    Take care TEC, and yes I do have peace

    I'm glad, and thank you.

  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    you said: "His name is Jaheshua. I have been hesitant to use this name... because I did not hear it first from Him. But I have asked Him, and in his mercy, He has said His name to me. Quietly, so quietly, that I could have ignored Him if I wanted to..."

    in acts 4:12 the Son of God is called the stone which the builders rejected, that stone is consistantly named Jesus. and we are told "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" it unreasonable to expect that if Jesus is not the name given that the real name would be given to everyone loudly in order that more might be saved?

    your friend AGuest has said that Jesus Christ doesn't even you realize how many people (who whole heartedly turned to Jesus) she condemns as unsaved by her statement in relation to what it says in the bible in acts 4:12? what are your thoughts on that since you both have stated that you are sisters "in" your christ?

    love michelle

  • tec

    in acts 4:12 the Son of God is called the stone which the builders rejected, that stone is consistantly named Jesus. and we are told "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" it unreasonable to expect that if Jesus is not the name given that the real name would be given to everyone loudly in order that more might be saved?

    Michelle... he was never called 'Jesus'. Such a name did not exist in that culture. His name has progressed into being that. Why, I do not know, since if anything, it should be Joshua.

    At the same time, it is Him that saves, and faith in Him and God that means something. He is not the WTS, to state that unless you get this right, He does not hear you. He is not that exacting. He is merciful, forgiving, patient and of love. I know if someone pronounces my name wrong (or even gets it wrong altogether) I don't ignore them. People have gotten my name wrong my entire life. I know it bothers some people, but it has never bothered me... and I am not more merciful or understanding or patient or loving than Him.

    your friend AGuest has said that Jesus Christ doesn't even you realize how many people she condemns as unsaved by her statement in relation to what is says in the bible in acts 4:12? what are your thoughts on that since you both have stated that you are sisters "in" your christ?

    My thoughts are that if you wish to ask Aguest something about her thoughts or faith, then you need to ask her. (You probably have asked this question of her)

    However, I do know that she does not condemn anyone by this. Because Christ and God are not about condemnation. Please see my above answer, as those would be my thoughts on this.

    Peace to you,


  • NewChapter

    I just got off the phone with a very old friend of mine. We've known each other for 34 years. As the years progressed, her mental illness has become more pronounced. In fact, she just had a psychotic break. It was a long time coming, but today, she is fan-freaking-tastic. She sounds better than she has in years, and it's nice to hear it. Because she has been stablized, we determined that we could discuss these posts. I never mentioned them to her before, because I was a bit worried about her. But as in the past, when she is stable, we can discuss anything with no negative effect.

    She has always tended toward religiosity, and she considers herself a Christian. She finds my atheist rants quite funny, and encourages them when she is well. When she is not well, we DO NOT discuss religion, because I understand that it is a trigger for her. So tonight, for the first time, I told her what was happening here. She is absolutely stunned. Well---she did get a hearty laugh over the Jehasuah whatchamacallit, and EE, she absolutely LOVED your posts when you went into dialect. She couldn't stop laughing, even though I had a hard time pronouncing much of it.

    The voices, visions and personal revelations bothered her a bit. You see, when she experiences such, it's a BAD thing. It's a warning. She is amazed that people are talking about hearing a voice as if it is a good thing and quite ordinary. I asked her if it would be helpful to her for me to EVER validate a voice she might hear. She emphatically said, NO. I asked her if it was ever one voice, and did it ever say nice things? Absolutely. She said voices don't always say scary things, and sometimes are quite nice, but that doesn't change the fact that they are BAD. She cannot understand why this is not clear to others.

    Then I told her of visions of dragons and dead bones, and this did not make her happy. She said it was very serious, and even suggested a cause. I asked her if she was exposed to this kind of talk when she is sick, would it ever be helpful. No. It would be harmful. She agrees with me, that I should continue to encourage anyone hearing a voice to see a doctor. It's not a good thing. It doesn't necessarily mean a profound mental illness, but it is nothing to play with.

    She continues to be a believer. But she is stunned that these conversations are defended. That is one believer's take on this matter----a believer who knows what it means to hear voices and lose touch---a person who understands the harm in it. I have been encouraged to continue warning people that if they hear voices or see visions, they should get checked out. Maybe nothing serious, or maybe something that could turn ugly very quickly. I think I heard her shaking her head. It was too crazy even for her.

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