Official publications of Jehovah’s witnesses have been exposed as misusing quotations by various non-witnesses. Put simply it means they LIE, through that mis-use.
Perry, uses the same manipulative technique.
In this thread, defender of truth asked Perry to provide evidence to support his (Perry’s) statement that ALL people know that god exists.
A very sweeping statement when you consider that surveys indicate that 66% of Chinese are atheists.
defender of truth: Perry said: "However, ALL people know God exists deep down."
What evidence do you have to support such a blanket statement, that you have made on behalf of the entire human race?
In response, Perry with a great degree of confidence responds with this statement
Perry: Here you go D of T,
Extra-biblical source above.
So we can go to the link, and indeed we find a headline to an article that states:
Children are born with a belief in God
We also see the web-site name, “Uncommon Descent – Serving the Intelligent Design Community.
So the function of the web-site is to attempt to support a belief in creationism.
Let’s review the article. The lead paragraph states:
Researchers from Oxford’s Centre for Anthropology and Mind have found evidence that children are predisposed to believe in God or a supreme being. This is because of a natural assumption that everything in the world exists for a purpose and was therefore created.
Those statements can be challenged, but let’s leave them aside and check who made the claim>
We find it’s a person named Dr. Justin Barrett, who on investigation, turns out to be a devout Christian. (Are you surprised?) (See, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_L._Barrett ) Of course, Christians can do good research like anyone else. That’s not the issue at stake here. What’s at stake is the manipulation of the work of others.
The quite short article further argues:
At a lecture at Cambridge University’s Faraday Institute, Barrett cited psychological experiments carried out on children that reveal an instinctive belief in children towards acceptance of design and purpose. This leads to a natural belief in creation rather than evolution, even when they are told differently by parents or teachers. Anthropologists have found that in some cultures children accept belief in God even when specific religious teaching is withheld. He commented;
“Children’s normally and naturally developing minds make them prone to believe in divine creation and intelligent design. In contrast, evolution is unnatural for human minds; relatively difficult to believe.”
Barrett’s supporting evidence is research that concluded that there was an, “instinctive belief in children towards acceptance of design and purpose.”
Don’t you agree Perry, that having a mind construction that tends to look for an object’s ‘design’ and ‘purpose,’ is a long way from being born with a belief in God.
Did you read the full article before posting? Or, did you, with the same mindset as a witness, just accept the statement without examination. (Perhaps on the basis that faith is credulous)