i dunno if you're still reading this thread, but the walsh trial is a good one. you can even find the actual court transcript online and in there they admit to pushing false prophecy...in court.
there's also the part where they admit it's better for everyone to believe the same lie than for everyone to think for themselves and go every which way.
another suggestion is the san diego trial of gonzalo campos i believe his name was. in the court docs, the wts says that:
1. witnesses don't have to go to meetings
2. don't have to go out in service
3. jws don't have to start bible studies, in fact that's NOT the purpose of fs at all! this is stated/typed in binding court docs
4.jws don't have to invite anyone to meetings, again...court docs
reason why they make all those points? to limit liability when it comes to what sexual predators are being brought into the kingdom halls
the last suggestion i have is the timeline for john dorman's abuse. he was first abused as a 5 year old child. a man who eventually became an elder started abusing 5 year old john dorman when he was first an ms if i remember right. this continued for years and the elders did nothing despite knowing about the accusations of child molesting floating around him