The 24 Elders in Revelation are NOT the anointed......

by EndofMysteries 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    MP: I don't know I'm just repeating what was in this very old dictionary/encyclopedia set that I have. They claim that according to EX 2:1 Moses was also in line for the priesthood since he was a LEVITE. But he was given a 'commission' by God directly. As far as prophesying, I don't remember any right off hand myself. I don't remember any prophesying that Abraham did either, but it mentions because he was commissioned by God to go live in tents and leave the city, etc.

    Him & Elijah are known in Judaism as both Priests & prophets. [Elijah even took on the role as a Priest offering sacrifice-1 Kings 18:32].

  • *lost*

    NE - mp is gonna help us, he's gonna get the info and tell us

    Yes Abraham was very special. very special.

    I always did think - strnage, why did God tell him to do that, to upsticks and leave and live in tents.

    Well living in tents for him was not like our modern day camping expo's lol. They had some pretty luxurious tents ya know. Think of the film ben-hur.

    Different climate.

    So we have to look at where he was living, and the 'kind' (nation) of people that he was surrounded by ( good association and all that ) their Paganism rituals etc. then we get to build up a profile, then we get to understand, why.

  • *lost*

    gonna check my notes as I know I have some info on that bit about Abraham, then I'll post it x

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I found the reference in my IDB, they're claiming that Duet 34:10 is the reason for his status, but they do state that all of this regarding Moses is 'retrojection', in identifying Moses as a prophet. Other references include: Num 12:4, Duet 18:18

  • *lost*

    mp's just trying to help us out a bit

  • *lost*

    ok lets focus on abraham first - see can me make it a bit clearer. this is what I have.

    Father of a great crowd (multitude)

    Was Abram - Abraham - the name given by Jah to abram when he was 99 yrs old.

    10th gen from Noah through Shem. Born 352 yrs after deluge (?) in 2018 bce (?)

    Native of the CHALDEAN city of UR

    City of UR - steeped in Babylonish idolatry and worship of it's Patron MOON GOD SIN

    Nevertheless, Abraham proved to be a man of FAITH in Jehovah god. Shem and Abrahams lives overlapped by 150 yrs.

    Abraham knew and used the name of Jehovah. Jehovah commanded him to move out to a strange land - leaving behind families and friends and relatives.

    Fatherless LOT, Abrahams nephew went with them. 600 miles to HARAN, stayed here until the death of his father, TERAH

    1943 bce (?) left HARAN, crossed Euphrates river, Covenant between Jah and Abraham.

    430 yr (?) period of temporary residence until the making of the law Covenant with Israel began.

    Ishmael by HAGAR born. Isaac born, 5 yrs later Ishmeal, 19yrs old, bullying Isaac. Ishmael and Hagar dismissed. ( this is also the beginning of 400 yrs of affliction upon Abrahams offspring

    '' if you are Abrahams children, do the works of abraham'' it is not fleschly descent that counts, but rather faith.

    Abraham is revered by Jews, Muslims, Christians ( take note; 3 prominent faiths (3))

    Referred to as Gods friend.

    ... now I'll dig out the other notes, sure I got more on this

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