Just think, we at one time walk, talk and ate the
same garbage. Isn,t life great.
by Recovery 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just think, we at one time walk, talk and ate the
same garbage. Isn,t life great.
Yes I believe the earth will last forever.
Yes my post about evolution was sarcasm (I actually have an extensive background with evolution) but I thought that was pretty obvious.
Of course I gave yiu a poor answer. All yiu want to do is argue over words and WT quotes. I do not take the WT as an infallible guide that will never contain errors, logical fallacies or even human opinions. Why? Because that is what imperfect humans do. Thank God we dont have a substantial collection of noninspired Christian writings because scholars and atheists alike would be doing what you are doing.
So jwfacts will yiu address the other points I made or do you want to continue the diversionary tactics.
I think we've all wasted enough time answering the questions of a whinny childish brat looking for attention. How about you answer this question, and the counter arguments that we've already given you in other threads; and use some of your own time for something other than just counting to satisfy the beaureucrats?
How can you reconcile this paradox in Revelation below?
Here is a wt$ translation of Rev 22:13 that is very misleading. Do you see how someone could very logically interpret this to mean that Jesus and God are the same, and be very well within logic to do so? After all the light gets brighter and this is the last written Revelation given to man.
Rev 8:1 (NWT)
"And to the angel of the congregation in Smyr′na write: These are the things that he says, ‘the First and the Last,’ who became dead and came to life [again]"
I think we can both safely agree that this passage is referring to Jesus who is attributed with being the "First and the last".
Rev 22:13 (NIV)
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."Rev 22:13 (NWT)
"I am the Al′pha and the O?me′ga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end"
How do you separate "First and the Last" from the Al′pha and the O?me′ga a.k.a Almighty?
I have made no personal attacks. I am merely exposing the root of the tree of apostate arguments online. I just dont know why he refuses to defend himself. Someone who invests so much time into researching this information wont even defend his own writings.
His defense on the last page was much more rational than anything I've ever heard from you. Perhaps you should try reading.
Make another thread about that. I do not wish to engage in such discussions that will take this thread into a different issue that willy muddy the waters so to speak.
Yes jwfacta has definitely thoroughly debunked me and all my arguments so effortlessly. And my mother is chimpanzee who will one day evolve into a whale.
Excuse the typos. Typing from phone. Will return in the afternoon.
It's relevant... if you want to bandy together verses from different passages from Revelation to make a point, than please enlighten us how the same book that you are trying to use to prove some silly point and attack JWFacts with, can't just as easily be used to disprove a cherished belief of the wt$ that Jesus is not the Alpha and Omega?
In other words why in the world would you try so emphatically to call someone a liar based on such a loose text as Revelation that has so many different well documented intepretations? It makes no sense, it's a waste of time, and you just make yourself look foolish in the process; just like most JW's do at the door, trying to convince someome at 9:30 AM to leave their religion (under some false guise that we're not here to convert you) of many years because their intepretation is better...really better how?...what a joke.
I would like to know why you title your thread "More lies ..." when somebody simply has a view that differs from yours . . .
Seems a little childish not to mention slanderous . . . and very unchristian.
You appear to have an underlying motive that is fuelled by malice, which you try to justify with "reason"
I think you should pray to Jehovah for forgiveness for your nasty behaviour, and work harder at putting on the Christian personality.
I'm an inactive JW . . . and you are giving a poor recommendation. Shame on you.
Debate is important!
How do you feel about the debate climate inside the KH and jw society? Is it open, honest and loving?
I simply stated that I did not agree with the statements Gerrit Losch made about education when he was in Norway and also that I felt that being spiritual awake should not come in conflict with living a healthy life, with sound daily routines. That was pretty much all! Then I was turned in to the elders and it has been a witchhunt ever since. I don't know how any other congo is. I can only say what I experienced and it has been very nasty!
I have tried to talk with my friends after the witchhunt started, but they refuse to admit ANY mistake that the WTS has done. Many of my friends have gotten major health issues after decades of working with sales or window cleaning. I know that many of my personal friends never dared to take any higher education, due to reasoning I find mainly appeal to fear.
Love from your brother Healthworker