Jwfacts-- More Lies But This Time About The Great Crowd

by Recovery 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Recovery I have a question: Do the elders in your congregation know that you read and post on this site? Mine do not because I do not think that I will benefit my family by exposing myself. Why don't you sit with your group overseer and go over some of your concerns.

    Perhaps he can even instruct you on how you "..ought to give an answer" in defense of the truth here on JW.net

  • jookbeard

    Issac ; how can a literal figure of 144,00 come from a figurative 12 tribes of Israel?

  • watson

    I was wrong. I think Recovery is a very clever and shrewd apostate. Look at how he is bringing out the rational thought process that is necessary to come out of the JW culture. My hat's off to you Recovery!!

  • jgnat

    I have read all seven pages and all Recovery offers is a personal interpretation. It does not stand up to scrutiny. As for whales to animal, Recovery shows a fundamental misunderstanding how structure speaks to progression. Whales don't have gills. Why?

    Back to the Water

  • Emery

    @isaacaustin, you have given a great set of questions. Those questions are the ones I find to be very detrimental to the WTS.

    Trying to be as objective as possible, I believe Recovery has a good scriptural argument. When reading these 7 pages I witnessed a lot of people attacking everything but the argument at hand. I think Leo did a great job of utilizing scripture and only scripture to counter Recovery's position, along with a few others. I understand that the article found on JWFacts is in regards to an alternative interpretation and hopefully Recovery can see it from that angle. However the argument as I understand it, is solely in response to whether the setting of "The Great Crowd" is in heaven or on earth. Personally, I have not given this topic much consideration since discovering the Watchtower’s claim to authority had no merit.

    I believe people should not give much attention to Revelation as nobody in the history of Christianity has gotten it right. The book is an interpretational goldmine riddled with Jewish apocalypticism and ambiguity. If you read only the 4 gospels you can definitely see a more Judaic view of salvation which has long been steeped in a heaven on earth belief. The biggest problem here is that Paul’s theology throw’s a wrench into everything. Paul interprets the resurrection to be solely a heavenly one and since he makes no distinctions of a 2 class system in his letters, it falls into my “WTF” category when I read the book of Revelation.

  • Recovery

    Addressing everyone shortly as I will soon be back at a computer.

  • mrsjones5

    *snicker* Mr Popular

  • watson

    He's all fired up now..


    Addressing everyone shortly as I will soon be back at a computer.....Recovery/Nananana


    You better type fast..

    I don`t think you and your duplicate accounts..

    Are going to last through the day..


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    this is going to be interesting. it looks like we have a new convert on our hands.

    no one can look at the history of the watchtower society, read the older quotes, see how bat shit nutty they were and are, learn about science and still come out a jw after all is said and done.

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