rather be in hades - I 'think' he is looking at my answer and researching. He wanted scriptual answers, and some who leave end up not believing in the bible anymore so they don't study it. I do and I've studied it extensively and found all the false teachings according to the bible. Those who haven't or gone a different path can't answer his question so they change the subject.
I'm waiting to see if he answers my post with all those scriptures to see if he is flat out ignoring them or is considering real answers and real scriptures to answer them.
I felt exactly as he did, no amount of 'human imperfection' would get me to leave or dent my faith. It was only when I really started to read the bible on my own and saw what I was being taught and even told to go was against the bible and according to the bible, making Jehovah very angry.
When I WAS in ratherbehades, I would just have said or thought how badly people in Israels time did things but they were still his people. the bottom line for ones like Recovery will be the bible, if everything taught is in harmony then human imperfection won't change anything. But hopefully recovery will realize, just as in ancient Israel, if the leaders went astray, God punished ALL OF THEM! You have no excuse to continue doing things if he makes it clear in his word, there is no allotment that since they are leading you, you have to follow it and your are exempt from their mistakes. If you find out about it, you have to obey his word over what you are taught.