The New Diary of Winston Smith

by WinstonSmith 336 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WinstonSmith

    Wow, have really been enjoying not going to meetings the last week or so. We told everyone we were going on holidays, so they won't be expecting to see us. It has been nice having some time just for the two of us. The weather has been good too, and many a beer has been consumed.

    We are about to head out soon to spend the afternoon with our friend Sister T. This is the one that recently said to us that she is convinced that the WTS has been infiltrated by Satan and is corrupting it and that soon Jehovah will step in and clean it out. She is still sticking to the 'there has to be an organisation' thing so she is not completely 'there' yet. Needless to say we will be quietly planting seeds and drawing her out all afternoon.

    Watch this space...

  • penny2

    Lovely weather here too in Adelaide!

    Hope you had a good afternoon with your friend, Winston.


  • WinstonSmith

    Hey Penny2!

    Aussie has been having some great weather these last few days! We've spent the holidays tripping around all over the place. As I type this, I'm sitting on the back deck sipping a nice glass of white wine watching the sun go down.

    We had a great afternoon with Sister T. Boy she is so close to 'getting' it about the truth about the truth. She completely agrees that there is something wrong with the organisation. She clearly sees from her experience and the experience of others that there is a serious lack of love and, in her own words "legalism is taking precedent." We told her about the experience that was shared in a thread here on JWN about about a video at the elders school where two elders convinced the older elder, on the judicial committee that a young dude should be disfellowshipped and all they used to convince hime was the Shepherd book, and the bible was not used at all. We of course said our elder friend from another congregation related it, not that we read it on here! She was flabbergasted and said "If this is the training they're getting, then we're all stuffed."

    She is still hanging onto the "despite all this, its still the best place to be" mentality, but I guess the cult runs deep and blinds easily. Like an abused wife wanting to see the good in her husband. We did manage on a few occasions stop her in her verbal tracks, and you could see the gears grinding. For example she said "Yes these things have happened to me and others, but you can't get around the fact that the scriptures say

  • WinstonSmith

    Sorry, working from my Tablet and something went awry!

    She said "Yes these things have happened to me and others, but you can't get around the fact that the scriptures say that we have to go to the elders. Its obvious that he wants this arrangement." To which we replied "When you read those scriptures and it uses the word 'elder' does it have a capital e at the start or a small e?" She says "It has a small e" and I said "So what does that tell you?" She replies "That we should talk to older and wiser ones in the congregation." Then I said "Thats why another scripture says that the prayer of the faithful one is powerful. You see, scripture interprets scripture."

    She sat there with this "OMG I never thought of it that way" look on her face, and then began to slowly nod as it dawned on her.

    Now, I don't know how much logic there is to what I said, but I think we are slowly driving the point through the cult fogged mind. We mentioned the 'scripture interprets scripture' thing a few more times and will keep emphasising this. We suggested that for a while she just read and enjoy the bible alone. To this she replied "Yeah things change so suddenly in the truth that what you read one week might be apostate the next!"

    So you can see that she sees it, but doesn't yet SEE it. If you know what I mean.


  • penny2

    Hi again Winston. Sister T is a very privileged lady having you to reason with her. I hope she "gets it" one of these days.

    You must be looking forward to a time when this kind of discussion is a thing of the past and you're free to pursue your interests with abandon!

  • WinstonSmith

    Hello everyone,

    Suddenly its 2013! Wow, 2012 seemed to just fly past didn't it? In some ways I'm glad to see the back of it, and in other ways, there were some real good times. It will be forever remembered because of April the 13th, the day Mrs Smith joined me in the realisation that this 'religion' is nothing more than a cult.

    2013 - Here's to FREEDOM.


  • Listener

    I always wonder what the new year is going to bring and then I feel lucky that we live through it day by day.

  • WinstonSmith

    Hello Penny and Listener,

    Yes indeed, we never know what the future will hold, or what is just around the corner. Mrs Smith and I can't believe how far we have come in under a year. Looking foward to having this all behind us and a distant memory!

    I finished The Kingdom that Never Came last night, which means this evening I will start In Search of Christian Freedom. Eeeeeexcellent.

    I'm also halfway through Generation Kill. Wow great book.

    Yes, I'm a reader......

  • WinstonSmith

    The May 1997 WT, on page 8 states:

    "Jehovah God is the Grand Identifier of his true messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true."

    Measuring the track record of the WTS against their own standards stated in their own words in their own magazine, would you say that they qualify to be called God's true messengers?

    The article goes on:

    "Jehovah is also the great exposer of false messengers. How does he expose them? He frustrates their signs and predictions. In this way he shows that they are self appointed prognosticators whose messages really spring from their own false reasoning - yes, their foolish fleshly thinking!"

    When you review the history of the WTS, would you say that the messages delivered through them have come true, or been frustrated?

    Deutoronomy 18:22 is clear, and leaves no wiggle room for "overenthusiam" or so-called honest mistakes.

  • WinstonSmith

    I'm up to chapter 2 of In Search of Christian Freedom and I gotta say, the lawyer that cross examined Fred Franz in the Walsh Trial did a superb job. He kept Franz honest and pulled him up when statements he made contradicted previous statements. In a nutshell:

    Franz: JWs are obliged to follow the information that is in our publications.


    Lawyer: So one gets ordained by reading these books?

    Franz: Yes. They read the statements and then the scriptures to see if the statements are supported by the scriptures.

    Lawyer: Did you just imply that a person can read these books and are allowed to come to their own conclusions?

    Franz: Yes.

    Lawyer: Didn't you say earlier that JWs are obliged to follow the information from your publications?

    Franz: Yes.

    Burn baby.

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