The New World Translation is not a translation,

by Jaime l de Aragon 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    The New World Translation is not a translation, is mere adaptation, to avoid paying royalties to biblical issues as, King James and other

    Beware the glare of lights

    The translation they call "New World Translation ... blah blah blah" is not a translation is an adaptation that have been made, it is not a translation, so we say it is anonymous, you can not know their authors and a thousand stories more, would not pay royalties for use other translations like the KJV, and other

    In 1983, Raymond Franz, a former member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and the nephew of former President Frederick W. Franz, wrote a book called Crisis of Conscience.

    The echoes of the NWT does not mention the name of any translator and is presented as the result of the anonymous work of the "New World Translation Committee" (Committee of the New World Translation). In fact, members of this committee were Frederick W. Franz, Nathan H. Knorr, Albert Schroeder, Milton Henschel and George D. Bargains. Regarding Fredrick W. Franz, Raymond says that "it was the only one with enough knowledge of the biblical languages ??to attempt a translation of this class. Had studied Greek for two years at the University of Cincinnati, but Hebrew study it by itself (self-taught)"

    Interestingly, Dr. Walter Martin says that in a test Fiscal in Scotland November 24, 1954 between Walsh and Latham, "Fredrick W. Franz admitted under oath that he could not translate the Hebrew Genesis 2:4" (a verse that any first-year student at Hebrew Theological Seminary in a rotting translate)

    After reviewing the data, Dr. Martin concluded that the Committee on Bible Translation New World deserves no respect because "there was no recognized qualifications reputed translator exegesis or translation in Greek or Hebrew"

  • mP

    All translations are dishonest. GO read the i challenge you to find Jesus or Christ in the original text. If you read the text you will notice a lot of liberal insertions are made. The word christian also does not appear in this text. If your wondering the CS is the oldest complete bible text we have.

    Look up your favourite bible , locate a scripture with christian and then lookup the CS in greek. You will see some interesting truths.

    1 Peter, Chapter 4, Verse 16
    but if he suffer as a Christian , let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in
    result_item_arrow.gifActs, Chapter 26, Verse 28
    little labor thou persuadest me so as to make me a Christian .
    result_item_arrow.gifActs, Chapter 11, Verse 26

    multitude; also, that the disciples were called Christian s first in Antioch.

    Look at 1 Peter you can see the original greek letter for E a fat letter has been replaced with an I a skinny letter.

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    But if the JW is special, lied and presented as translations something that is not

  • Heaven

    Copies of copies... not a good idea...

    Multiplicity - Copy of A Copy - Not As Sharp As Original:

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    Would not pay copyright to translations in progress and quickly rigged the falsehood

  • mP


    GO read the CS, you will find many intersting things in Jesus Christ being inserted in many places... even the 1 Peter scripture i give above in v11 the English text says Jesus Christ but you cant find Jesus Christ in the Greek.

  • Jaime l de Aragon
  • mP

    Look how many times Christ or Jesus appears in the English and yet when you look at the Greek it cant be find or the letters are completely different each time.

    And that is one page worth. Why do our Bibles have jesus in so many places when that name is clearly absent from this purer Bible ?

  • Jaime l de Aragon
    Jaime l de Aragon

    In fact even the translations are riddled with errors, but just wanted to mention that the JW, cheated and rigged just sucks

    The original name is Iesous Xristo, not Jesus

    Iesous Xristo

  • mP

    If you look at v16 the website tells you they have corrected chrestian to christian. These are some fundamental changes. Look up what chrestian means and you will find its quite different from christian.

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