After all the proofs, there are still some like Sab that will say that Russell was a Mason but it was all just secret. But let's round up the facts, some common sense, and see:
1. Russell advised his followers NOT to become Masons because they did not follow the Bible and distracted from worship to God because of their rites and ceremonies.
2. Russell made the direct statement "I am not a freemason"
3. The Masons apparently have no record of C.T Russel
4. Which makes more sense, that Russell was a freemason but condemned it, claimed not to be one, and told everyone to flee from these organizations?
5. All the "proofs" of Russell being a Mason are easily debunked (i.e. the cemetary was NOT a masonic cemetary when Russell was born there, the symbols that mason's and the Watchtower used are not unique to only those organizations)
I just think it's a HUUUUGGGGEEEE longshot that Russell was a Mason, but to keep it a secret, he condemned it and somehow got the Mason's to keep it a secret for 100 years. Like all good conspiracy theories, it has a lot of evidences and intrigue. But also like all good conspiracy theories, it falls apart on close examination. And ALSO like good conspiracy theories, it hold on for a long time with people not willing to see that it's not true.
Look at some other conspiricy theories. Man did NOT go to the moon in 1969. JFK was killed by the CIA. 911 was an inside job. The Aids virus was created in a government lab. HAARP was created to alter weather, create earthquakes, control minds, etc... AND C.T Russell was a secret Mason and has been able to keep it hidden for 100 years.