Sab said:
You can't use science to understand something that wont let you apply science to it. What if when attempting to test "it" what is given back only appears to be a negative result? What then? If such intelligence exists then science would not be able to penetrate it until that intelligence allowed for it.
If you are faced with evil supernatural beings that are SOOOO beyond us, and able to plant "false flags" (eg dinosaur fossils that prove evolution) and distort the findings by engaging in Machiavellian disinformation campaigns, etc. then you TRULY are SCROOOD. You think, YOU, Sab, a mere goofy mortal, are going to be able to do battle with forces who are magnitudes smarter than you, and able to distort your reality? And just think: God LETS them operate!!!
Heck, even Jesus said that Satan would appear as an "angel of light" and deceive many: if Jesus wasn't just blowing smoke (telling a tall tale that he may have honestly believed, and passed on), then you truly are SCROOD, since ANY angel you see is possibly Satan. No matter how Holy it appears to be, how would you know?
Point being, the whole scenario is preposterous and non-winnable, why bother? Does it appeal to your personal narcissism, believing that YOU are trapped in a BATTLE for the outcome of the entire Universe, like Luke Skywalker's pivotal role in the Star Wars plot, or Frodo Baggins in LOTR?
When I was a child, I used to think as a child: then I grew up and accepted I am not as important as I'd like to think, just one of 7 billion.... You guys need to get over yourselves, as believing in ancient fairy tales without evidence (and much to the contrary) is hardly something worth being falsely humble over, let alone BRAGGING about.