Most solid evidence I've seen linking WT to Mason, somebody try to debunk this lol

by EndofMysteries 147 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    EP said:

    But same something CAME TO LIFE from something that was non living seems the very difinition of irrational to me.

    I know, like dust turning into a person. Wacky talk!

    Well, that's why Genesis gives you an alternative:

    In Genesis 2, YHWH created man by fashioning him out of clay with his hands (curiously similar to older Mesopotamian myths, where Gods fashion mankind out of red clay mixed with blood of a God, giving mankind the properties of a God, as if we are made in their image).

    But if that one doesn't work for you, then use Genesis 1, where YHWH created mankind simply by divine decree (AKA incantation or magic, eg when He said, "Let there be light" and there just WAS light).

    God's kinda like that, giving you a choice of what to believe....

  • EntirelyPossible

    You can't use science to understand something that wont let you apply science to it.

    Of course you can. Just because you don't have the math and science to show that gravity is cause by matter warping spacetime doesn't mean you can't figure what the rate of acceleration of gravity is.

    Just because you don't have the science to show the speed of light doesn't mean you can't use science to prove light moves faster than sound.

    Just because you don't have the science to show what causes wind doesn't mean you can't use science to show there is an invisible force that can be felt and move things.

    Seems to me the problem is rooted more in YOUR ability than science. Specifically, understanding how things work.

  • Finkelstein

    You guys are going way off topic here.

    So the final answer to the Freemason and the WTS. question is, yes there some rooting affiliations and yes there some

    familiarities to both organizations, being that Russell extrapolated some theological concepts from the Freemason organization

    to potentially create a framework of his own. Thats why folks he once proclaimed at a Freemason Hall that he too was a Freemason

    for the Lord, in his own right. GET IT ?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Sab said:

    You can't use science to understand something that wont let you apply science to it. What if when attempting to test "it" what is given back only appears to be a negative result? What then? If such intelligence exists then science would not be able to penetrate it until that intelligence allowed for it.

    If you are faced with evil supernatural beings that are SOOOO beyond us, and able to plant "false flags" (eg dinosaur fossils that prove evolution) and distort the findings by engaging in Machiavellian disinformation campaigns, etc. then you TRULY are SCROOOD. You think, YOU, Sab, a mere goofy mortal, are going to be able to do battle with forces who are magnitudes smarter than you, and able to distort your reality? And just think: God LETS them operate!!!

    Heck, even Jesus said that Satan would appear as an "angel of light" and deceive many: if Jesus wasn't just blowing smoke (telling a tall tale that he may have honestly believed, and passed on), then you truly are SCROOD, since ANY angel you see is possibly Satan. No matter how Holy it appears to be, how would you know?

    Point being, the whole scenario is preposterous and non-winnable, why bother? Does it appeal to your personal narcissism, believing that YOU are trapped in a BATTLE for the outcome of the entire Universe, like Luke Skywalker's pivotal role in the Star Wars plot, or Frodo Baggins in LOTR?

    When I was a child, I used to think as a child: then I grew up and accepted I am not as important as I'd like to think, just one of 7 billion.... You guys need to get over yourselves, as believing in ancient fairy tales without evidence (and much to the contrary) is hardly something worth being falsely humble over, let alone BRAGGING about.

  • EndofMysteries

    Did any look up or go to the Jehovah reference in the mason thing I linked? In a month or 2 I'll get to really researching that, but wonder if anybody has even ever done it before or not.

  • Finkelstein

    I did and as it has been noted other religious organizations use Jehovah when describing God.

    Not really exclusive toward the Freemasons and the JWS alone.

  • Finkelstein

    For your infromation EOM .....

    The name Jehovah appeared in all early Protestant Bibles in English, except Coverdale 's translation in 1535. [33] The Roman Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible used "the Lord", corresponding to the Latin Vulgate 's use of "Dominus" (Latin for "Adonai", "Lord") to represent the Tetragrammaton. The Authorized King James Bible also, which used " Jehovah " in a few places, most frequently gave "the L ORD " as the equivalent of the Tetragammaton. The name Jehovah appeared in John Rogers' Matthew Bible in 1537, the Great Bible of 1539, the Geneva Bible of 1560, Bishop's Bible of 1568 and the King James Version of 1611. More recently, it has been used in the Revised Version of 1885, the American Standard Version in 1901, and the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1961.

  • EndofMysteries

    I think masons think Jehovah is somebody else, also some other claims of that name being of a different god. But it's not my top priority at the moment. If it does end up being that, it will fall in and make sense about the project I'll be releasing soon.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Along with the other links I posted that shows that many Protestants and Catholics use the name "Jehovah", go to youtube and search. The mistranslated and mispronounced name "Jehovah" is not exclusive to JWs or Masons. It would be fruitless to try and set up a link and say that because they both honor the name "Jehovah", they are in kahoots with each other. While the WT preaches that they are the ones that "restored" the name "Jehovah" and they are the true religion because they alone use it and revere it...well that is just untrue. Many cultures and religions revere the name, even though it has been proven to be a lingustic impossibility. Just look below:

  • Finkelstein

    The most prominent theological similarities between the two organizations, at least in my opinion is the

    intensional differential distancing away from main stream Christendom, that the body of Christendom have gone astray

    from practicing the true and pure worship of God. The Masonic Halls are intensionally built to not look like churches for this reason as the

    JW Kingdom Halls are also intensionally constructed.

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