Many would call you fool for believing this, including me. You arrogantly assume you have enough information to make such a conclusion. You think science can provide answers when studying something that lies to you? LOL! For starters to use science to tell this particular tale you'd need the right instruments which haven't been invented yet. Which is why you appear to be taking wild shots in the dark.
Sab, they believe in supernatural forces, a "Supreme Being". That's an instant DQ, as NO rational person believes in ghosts, angels, devils, etc....
CA said:
But I think the biggest reason is that everyone loves a good conspiracy. To uncover a lie and show that it was kept secret for's intriguing.
Yeah, that's a pseudo-intellectual phase that most adolescents go thru ("Bigger Secrets", Alex Jones', George Noorey Coast to Coast, etc), and some apparently get stuck in for the rest of their lives.... Tragic, really, as they're the same ones who incessantly get fooled by e-mail urban legends, etc.