I completely agree with your thread title, but not because of anything to do with this:
I'll just post what it's related to, and it's 2 Thess 2:1-12. It also matches the disgusting thing causing desolation, etc.
Paul himself believed that the events he was writing about would happen in his own time, the first century.
The "disgusting thing" of Matthew chapter 24 can also be located nowhere outside of the first century Roman invasion of Jerusalem. The entire prophecy of Daniel applied to the Jews and the Jewish system alone. The only reason Christians apply it to themselves is because the Catholic Church needed to find a way to adopt the arsehole God of the OT and make themselves the new Chosen Ones.
God doesn't choose anyone over anyone else. God desires ALL to be saved, and God gets what he desires, every time, guaranteed. God is the the Alpha and the Omega, and everything comes from God. So as hard as it is to accept, EVERYONE eventually becomes God, even "Satan", who is nothing more than a construct of the human mind, as is Biblegod.
That's the problem with trying to interpret the Bible.... if you take it literally you end up down a dead end every time. Since it was written, believers thoughout history have always thought it applied to them and their time. Everybody thinks their time is special.
On the other hand, apply it to yourself and it holds great value in your spiritual journey towards awakening. The entire Bible is an esoteric astrological gnostic treatise in Kabbalah. You cannot apply it to the world at large unless you take it with a grain of salt and realize that if enough humans believe something will happen it may very well happen, but that doesn't mean the Bible predicted it, it merely influenced it.
Prophecy is not from "God" it is from psychics and astrologers and they can be overridden by free will at any time.