buffalo are not beasts they are like cattle. they are active in the day and sleep at night. they are 'moving animals'.
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
What animal would you call a "beast of burden", EndofMysteries?
The opposite of "water" is "dirt"?
So, are you planning your PhD thesis on that topic?
quote a scripture that says, "beasts of burden" and I'll see if there is an answer.
so...according to you, the 'bad' things come out at night? Man, must go in at night? Unless, they are 'predators' then they are out at night? So...if we were created did God create a house first for Adam & Eve so that they could be inside and safe at night?
Just curious...
When did I say the opposite of water is dirt? The opposite of life is death.
At night is when darkness rules. You'll see in all aspects of life this patter. Ever notice too how clubbing is boring or doesn't happen in the day but at night it does? Even within ourselves you can see these things to be true. In the day you may prefer to wear light color clothes, at night dark.
I've traveled a lot, and in the cities you know the saying, you don't want to be around here at night. (dangerous parts of town).
Within ourselves as well the darkness has more power at night. In the bible day and night were created before the sun and moon. The sun and moon were created as a sign to show us when day was ruling and when night was ruling. But not understanding the bible makes it appear that it was all out of order.
quote a scripture that says, "beasts of burden" and I'll see if there is an answer.
Quote me a scripture where God says THIS:
water also being male is what's needed to penetrate the earth and grow things.
Just though I would share that little bit that God revealed. Not me, HE did.
We are truly riding on the crazy train here - I think I see my station coming up and have decided to get off.
Adam and Eve is a bit more complex, I can't get into that stuff right now. It's all part of sorting out a few more things.
Killing in DAYLIGHT.