tornapart - worldwide almost every religion and belief is linked so that would not be a surprise
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
King Solomon
Well, EOM, get back to God and ask him about a few of the questions that were raised here, and see if He can't work some of the bugs out in the bugs.
(Oh, this is usually the point where the prophet tries to discredit the scientists as being fooled by the Devil, who supposedly created "false flags" like the Asian Tiger mosquito to operate during the day, not just to annoy people (as only West Nile virus can be), but to really piss off God).
Yeah I think you are going yin yang. Look into this. No god speaking to you required.
KS, just because there are predators that operate during the day doesn't disprove EoM's claims. It just challenges them. It's basic logic that a predator will operate most efficiently at night when the prey need to sleep. Cats have night vision for this purpose. And a mosquito is not a predator it's a parasite which is the opposite of something else than prey.
EofM why are you posting unscientific nonsense and claiming you got it straight from god?
Please stop it, its embarassing.
It's not a coincidence that a tapeworm is having dinner in someone's colon right now, even though their host might be deep thinkers, the parasite is still dining with gusto.
hey, I just realized- JWs are social parasites- sucking all the good they can from society and giving nothing back-- I guess it's part of God's plan for us.
I got it all from the bible.
So if I like to eat at midnight does that make me a predator? Can you please as God?
EOM, AGUEST, SAB... who is next?
that makes sense, now I understand why they created Superman Bizarro