AHA!!!! There is a reason why Mogwai are not supposed to be fed after midnight!1!
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
King Solomon
Sab said:
"It's basic logic that a predator will operate most efficiently at night when the prey need to sleep."
Yeah, there's no need for relying on basic logic with any of this to draw basic conclusions, since many field studies of actual animal behavior HAVE been conducted. EOMs "help" can be dismissed out of hand as the blatherings of someone who knows nothing of what they speak, apparently feeling empowered to do so while operating under a delusion of an umbrella of "God said it, not me".
In biology, the claim EOM is making ("evil animals operate at night") is tantamount to saying to a geologist that the Earth is flat: YES, it's THAT asinine. I didn't bother going any further than the most obvious example that came to mind (asian mosquito, since HE brought up mosquitos): you can't see the absurdity of the hypothesis just by looking at the names of the animals on the list? Never heard of "the food chain"? Do we need to start at the basics ("the cow goes moo")?
And the fact you'd defend the indefensible says spades about you, too: you have no concern for reality, just a strong desire for things to be as you'd wish.
At least EOM had enough sense to put on a life jacket and abandon ship: what about you? Are you really going down with a ship that EOM had the good sense to abandon, after stepping deep into it?
Everything is also catagorized as well.
male/Good/life/water/daytime etc are grouped
female/bad/dirt/death/night etc share as well.
I like how you equate female with bad/dirt/death/night etc.
I hope you people realize that EOM is not mentally well, he's having issues right now, so please show some compassion and empathy.
"I hope you people realize that EOM is not mentally well, he's having issues right now, so please show some compassion and empathy." Finkelstein
[I can't resist.... ]
You mean - like those predators that he's talking about???
While I am waiting and taking a big break to sort everything out. I thought I would share some very cool life and scientific things that were revealed in the scriptures. Have you ever wondered why God made beasts and predators? Animals which kill other animals?
It wasn't because of man sinning that they became violent, they were that way from the start. Everything God made in the universe has an opposite. Everything is also catagorized as well. male/Good/life/water/daytime etc are grouped female/bad/dirt/death/night etc share as well.
EndOfMysteries, you do realize that this is Kabbalism, don't you? Christianity has no harmony with the Kabbalah. Early century Christianity has already dealt with this heresy.
As above, so below.
This is all black and white magic, my friend. If you want to dispel this seductive heresy, know that evil is not the opposite of good but the absence of good. The devil has never been at the level of divinity as God, nor will he ever. Kabbalism is Satan's way of bringing himself to divinity. Don't be fooled.
King Solomon
Finkelstein, the compassionate response is not to politely coddle and placate the person's delusional ideas, but to challenge their views such that they recognize there's a problem and voluntarily seek the help they need. Like anything else in life, though, you can only lead horses to water (you know the rest....).
EOM, theorize away! That's how we learn. A long time ago someone theorized that there were tiny invisible creatures that made us sick, thank goodness they did. Just present your views as your theory, not fact, if you cannot prove it, and don't force it on others. If you are right then the Good Entity/yeshua knows his sheep and they will be fine. Just remember how C. T . Russle was sure that the locomotive was fulfilled prophecy, get my drift? Everyone else, be nice to EOM, he is not a troll and has a right to express himself. Without unique views this forum would be as boring as a " Special Talk ".
So you have a heavily biased view that kabbalah is some how magic.
Kabbalah Revealed:
That's also why mosquitos are most active at night.
On which planet?